DL: trackings [JUMN2] $40M+, [BCHRS] $10M-$12M, [RJEWE] $8M-$12M Nov 21, 08:58
THR: JUMN2 $40 million Sony (analysts $50 million); RJEWE $8 million to $12 milliom; BCHRS $10 million to $12 million. Nov 21, 09:00
V: JUMN2 $40 million to $50 million (Sony $35M); RJEWE $10 million; BCHRS hoping to hit double digits Nov 21, 09:02
Feels low. I'd go higher {nm} Nov 21, 09:07
Does seem hard to imagine it would open lower than the first after the blockbuster success of it and the addition of new stars Nov 21, 11:48
did they go woke? might go broke {nm} Nov 21, 11:54
Well, knock my socks off! {nm} Nov 21, 12:26