V: The Success of ‘The Invisible Man’ Reveals the Fallacy of ‘Get Woke, Go Broke' Mar 01, 11:58
the reveal is that it's been an obvious bad-faith troll job by white dudes (and possibly Russian bots) from day one {nm} Mar 01, 14:36
Hollow Man inflation adjusted had a 143 million budget as a Summer tentpole vs 7 million dead of February Mar 01, 20:15
Actually, the film could also be argued as a pro-2nd Amendment (gun ownership) just like the last "Halloween" film. {nm} Mar 01, 19:52
the only way to stop an invisible bad man is with an invisible good gun {nm} Mar 01, 20:19
Full respect to The Strangers: Prey at Night - first pro2A slasher (i know of) where guns were depicted as useful Mar 01, 21:08