If anyone's interested, the Top 100 Lifetime averaged a loss of H$26.5M over the past 2 days Mar 13, 12:38
I started panic-reversing but then decided it was morbidly entertaining to watch how much I'd lose. {nm} Mar 13, 14:24
Pretty much impossible to play right now Mar 14, 15:14
I only lost 8M more than that average and have so many less H$s than the Top 100 Lifetime. I'll have to work out how much better I did. Mar 13, 15:23
Yep, that top 100, they run the market! Mar 13, 19:34
Thanks, NVT, for uncovering this gem! {nm} Mar 14, 00:34
I’m nowhere near that level, but I just keep bleeding no matter what I do {nm} Mar 14, 02:36