The end of HSX begin today everyone said farewell goodbye 1997-2020 {nm} May 24, 11:32
So is this the last day of HSX? May 24, 12:21
Stop. Wait to see how things pan out. Stop making assumptions and spreading rumors. There are ongoing efforts we know very little about. May 24, 12:37
sorry May 24, 12:49
well i know what i won't miss if/when it comes {nm} May 24, 13:27
Big Time Adolescence? {nm} May 24, 14:51
I'll miss your nic's. {nm} May 24, 19:39
If is the last day, it's been great fun playing it over the past 20+ years. Good luck to those trying to keep it going {nm} May 25, 04:00
these things take time. we're trying. don't abandon the site yet. {nm} May 25, 07:38