HSX Forum



Posted by: lobogotti on May 29, 14:24 in response to islndr's post thanks. could you clarify one thing for me?...

1. yes, there are no plans in place to charge a monthly fee.  the money raised is trying to buy us time to figure out a long term solution.  it is expected that we'll need to gather a bigger group of people to brainstorm on how to make the site better, bring on more players and find buyer/angel to help salvage the game/community.  I can't say that if we fail at the buyer/angel that the game may eventually shift towards paid model... we just don;t know what will happen as funds deplete.

2. never would I ever shame anyone for not donating.  when people end up donating they can choose to show their details or do so anonymously.  first and foremost, none of us know who can or cannot afford to donate.  I am just asking for those that can afford to do so that they consider helping us here.  there isn't pressure from me, just simply trying to appeal to those that are on the fence that we'll give it our best effort to keep the game alive.

I guess I would put it like this for someone who was on the fence.... "If I told you tomorrow that when you come onto login to HSX and it was gone, but it could have been avoided if you'd have been willing to chip in $10-100... would you have?" That's legitimately where we are right now.

Another way to look at it, if there was a paywall up that said pay $50 or $xx amount to gain back access to your port, would you do so?  If the answer is yes, that is no different than pledging.

If you were paying attention earlier when the site had issues, just know that the person fixing it is doing it for FREE right now.


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