doitdoitdoitnow raised a good point yesterday with this post
It raised the question of whether it made sense to keep HSX going when there is so much uncertainity with box office. If theres no box office, does HSX have any point in continuing? The HSX temp board have been discussing this and I wanted to share a way of answering this question and why we are trying to keep the site operational.
1) Will box office return to pre-COVID19 levels anytime soon?
I discssed this partly back in May for BIRTH MOVIES DEATH which you can read here. The TLDR asnwer is a quote from John Allen Paulos: "Uncertainity is the only certainity there is" Its all up in the air. Movies could come back in August and that is exactly what studios, NATO and theaters are all working towards. Movies could come back this fall or winter. Movies could come back in 2021. Movies might not come back until there is a vaccine and movies might not come back at all. We don't know. What is my best guess is yes, movies will come back, they just won't open to huge numbers and they will just play longer. When? Well, everyone is hoping for August. Thats probably too optimistic, but if it gets delayed again, them everyone will keep shifting until TENET or MULAN actually opens. Anyone who isnt guessing (and I am certainly guessing myself) is either a troll or trying to sell you a bridge.
2) Will HSX have any value until movies come back (if ever)?
If you are on these boards and reading this then the answer is yes. HSX is more than the game, its a community. I've made lifelong friends on this board from places all over the world. For me, that has more value than the game itself. I stopped playing years ago, but I come to the boards to read notfabio's news posts and to stay connected with the people I've met through this game. My hope is that community can sustain the game and these boards until movies are ready to come back again.
And there's enough trading and price movement going on to keep playing the game. Some stocks shift considerably in a day and you can still profit off that. ROTO certainly is!
3) Is maintaining the community enough to donate to the fund?
I hope so. I believe so. Something we saw in our polling was around 90% of the people who responded have been playing for ten or more years. Ten Years! Thats a long time! This game is a big part of their lives and even if you don't think movies will ever come back, you're still here reading this post.
Yes, its all uncertain, but everything in life is. Nobody knows anything. But if you love this place then you can still believe that its worth saving and you can hope that one day (in the near future), we'll be able to talk about movies in theaters and how much money they are making (or not making). Until then, be excellent to each other and don't feed the trolls.