HSX Forum


Warner Bros. are so desperate to get people to like this movie... God knows why.

Posted by: TheWeekendWarrior on Jul 20, 08:07 in response to aibo's post Zack Snyder Interview - HBO Max Snyder Cut 2021

<p>I still remember when they flew all these online writers to the set of the movie (while Snyder was still in production) and unlike normal WB set visits, there was no embargo so they could write about the visit right away. The whole point of this move? Because there was so much negative backlash from Batman v Superman that they wanted people to know that there will be humor in Justice League (since that was working so well in the MCU) ... and then all that and they go ahead and redo the movie with Joss Whedon and it sucks. I hope that Snyder has a plan to make this better and it's not just about him going back to his original cut and adding visual FX.</p>

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