Avengers: Secret Wars Avengers: Secret Wars finds the Marvel superheroes from different multiverses transported to Battleworld where they...
Captain America: Brave New World Anthony Mackie stars as Sam Wilson who takes over the shield as Captain America. Malcolm Spellman and Dalan Musson...
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Much to learn you still have, my young padawan .... {nm}
Posted by: Bill Gates (a.k.a BamaCandle) on Jul 30, 01:19 in response to pickle rick!'s post Zuckerberg saying the quiet part loud in a damn email:...
not that Bill Barr's DOJ is going to do anything about it, but the big tech 4 dudes are getting raked over the coals on antitrust at their pickle rick! Jul 29, 13:07
Zuckerberg saying the quiet part loud in a damn email: "We can likely always just buy any competitive startups . . ." (claims he was joking) pickle rick! Jul 29, 13:15
Much to learn you still have, my young padawan .... Bill Gates Jul 30, 01:19
Life Board. {nm} Antibody Jul 29, 13:35
their anticompetitive behavior directly affects the movie business and will come to even more as their streaming platforms rise {nm} pickle rick! Jul 29, 13:40
still Life Board. Its a political/social issue and it affects the movie industry downstream. {nm} Moviesnob Jul 29, 14:16
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