Everyone recover yesterdays loss yet? May 10, 09:08
Sadly not yet. Iron Man didn't drop like I thought it would {nm} May 10, 09:10
too bad you went long maven :( {nm} May 10, 10:10
Yes, and almost recovered from Saturday's as well. May 10, 09:13
Thanks to a CX and a certain movie where men dress in black i managed to still come out on the plus side! : ) {nm} May 10, 09:38
I thought Iron Man would drop like a rock today. It didn't, and the commission cost me a chunk lol. {nm} May 10, 09:41
I think it still has plenty of room to move in a not so positive direction all week. {nm} May 10, 10:43
no; thought it would drop more today; MIB3 is some consolation though over the weekend {nm} May 10, 10:17