Apple trailer for [SUPR8] May 11, 09:47
Still looks sucky. {nm} May 11, 10:05
It's in keeping with "classic" Spielberg teaser trailers, i.e. they don't really show much of anything. {nm} May 11, 10:27
I'm a fan of Spielberg's slow reveal,,,just didn't work here...for me {nm} May 11, 10:46
How would you get word of mouth without a trailer? {nm} May 11, 10:35
there was a lot of talk before the trailer even came out...or was that only in here and in the industry {nm} May 11, 10:45
The talk was about the trailer coming out and attached to IRNM2. {nm} May 11, 10:57
The JJ Abrams "secret" project has been known about for months (i.e. that Brad Grey interview) but just within the industry. May 11, 11:10
That's not really WOM. May 11, 11:50
Spielberg and Abrams are enough for me... May 14, 07:21
i like the trailer.....looks good to me. {nm} May 11, 10:58
Ditto. {nm} May 11, 13:07
I actually am looking forward to this movie just because of the names involved, regardless of the trailer {nm} May 11, 11:40
anyione have a feel for whether the teaser increased or decreased buzz? {nm} May 11, 11:41
It can only increase from zero buzz. {nm} May 11, 11:50
Well, I for one think it looks - to put it articulately - wicked awesome. {nm} May 11, 15:29