Deadline - Croods II moves up to Thanksgiving (so it will be on VOD for Xmas) Sep 16, 11:35
Not that it's impossible, but they would lose Regal and Cinemark if they do that. {nm} Sep 16, 11:45
Lots of variables though, if West Side Story still goes December and what social distancing requirements are in place then (if not closures) Sep 16, 11:57
What does argue for that Uni is quasi-dumping it, is CROODS 2 will have very little appropriate titles to trailer with. Sep 16, 12:01
Regal and Cinemark will make a deal if they want to stay open. {nm} Sep 16, 11:59
everyone except AMC thinks 17 is insane. That (and amount of rev share) are the sticking point/s {nm} Sep 16, 12:02
New release date Wednesday, Nov. 25. [CROD2] {nm} Sep 16, 11:47