HSX Forum


was out for a few hours..... this was like missing the birth of your first child........... BUT A SAD SAD SAD DAY FOR CINEMA!!!!!!! {nm}

Posted by: Gogreen (a.k.a cinebello) on Dec 03, 13:29 in response to ozi's post WOW currently plus H$100,077,695.72

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White Bird (WHBRD) 150000 11.96 (+1.13)          Hoppers (HOPPR) 150000 80.00 (0.00)          The Front Room (FRTRM) 150000 6.43 (-2.12)          They Will Kill You (TWKYU) 150000 17.08 (+0.68)          They Will Kill You (TWKYU) 150000 17.08 (+0.68)          Justin Theroux (JTHER) 1000 90.71 (+1.79)          The Front Room (FRTRM) 150000 6.43 (-2.12)          The Front Room (FRTRM) 150000 6.43 (-2.12)          Tim Burton (TBURT) 1234 92.52 (+1.67)          Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans (LGBTQ) 20000 25.71 (+0.06)          Michael Keaton (MKEAT) 2500 102.13 (+1.74)          Michael Keaton (MKEAT) 2500 102.13 (+1.74)          The Brutalist (BRUTL) 150000 4.51 (+1.71)          Jean Reno (JRENO) 5000 2.64 (+0.08)          September 5 (SEPT5) 150000 5.87 (+0.81)          Jude Law (JLAW) 1000 67.73 (-0.01)          Gina Gershon (GGERS) 2000 19.10 (+0.14)          2073 (2073) 150000 1.82 (-0.18)          Cate Blanchett (CBLAN) 2500 40.81 (-0.04)          Hoppers (HOPPR) 150000 80.00 (0.00)          September 5 (SEPT5) 150000 5.87 (+0.81)          Hoppers (HOPPR) 150000 80.00 (0.00)          Midnight (MDNIT) 1 7.54 (-0.46)          Hoppers (HOPPR) 1500 80.00 (0.00)          They Will Kill You (TWKYU) 1 17.08 (+0.68)          Hoppers (HOPPR) 7500 80.00 (0.00)          September 5 (SEPT5) 1 5.87 (+0.81)          Ariana Grande (AGRAN) 25000 78.80 (-1.00)          Hoppers (HOPPR) 5000 80.00 (0.00)          Killing Gawker (KGAWK) 1 28.40 (-0.52)          William Tell (WITEL) 1 7.70 (-0.53)          Hoppers (HOPPR) 150000 80.00 (0.00)          Hoppers (HOPPR) 150000 80.00 (0.00)          Hoppers (HOPPR) 150000 80.00 (0.00)          Midnight (MDNIT) 150000 7.54 (-0.46)          2073 (2073) 150000 1.82 (-0.18)          The Brutalist (BRUTL) 150000 4.51 (+1.71)          2073 (2073) 150000 1.82 (-0.18)          Beetlejuice Beetlejuice (BEET2) 50 234.89 (+6.10)          Strange Darling (SDRLN) 150000 3.01 (-0.32)          Azrael (AZRAL) 149999 2.99 (+0.02)          Beetlejuice Beetlejuice (BEET2) 150000 234.89 (+6.10)          Father Mother Sister Brother (FMSB) 124999 2.93 (+0.01)          Between the Temples (BTMPL) 150000 2.08 (-0.08)          Hoppers (HOPPR) 5000 80.00 (0.00)          The Front Room (FRTRM) 150000 6.43 (-2.12)          The 4:30 Movie (T430M) 150000 1.50 (-0.03)          Killing Gawker (KGAWK) 70859 28.40 (-0.52)          2073 (2073) 150000 1.82 (-0.18)          Casa Bonita Mi Amor! (CBMA) 149997 0.96 (-0.11)