Magic Farm Magic Farm follows a media crew profiling a musician and ending up in the wrong country dealing with a health...
The Damned The thriller The Damned stars Odessa Young and Joe Cole as part of a 19th Century fishing village that comes across...
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D: Colin Trevorrow is set to direct War Magician. BCUMB was attached in 2015.
Posted by: Antibody on Mar 16, 13:59 in response to notfabio's post DL:Colin Trevorrow to direct WAR MAGICIAN (I think this... [WARMG] INA
Tag(s): WARMG
DL:Colin Trevorrow to direct WAR MAGICIAN (I think this was dead delisted/was the old TCRUI project) starring Benedict Cumberbatch notfabio Mar 16, 13:56
D: Colin Trevorrow is set to direct War Magician. BCUMB was attached in 2015. Antibody Mar 16, 13:59
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