DL: Henry Cavill To Star in Lionsgate’s ‘Highlander’ [HIGHL] May 21, 12:13
not sure where all the sequels left CLAMB's character but someone gotta behead him in the opening sequence, no? May 21, 12:19
It's a reboot. {nm} May 21, 12:25
bah. still TCBOO {nm} May 21, 12:26
Need to cast DYEN for the Connery role. {nm} May 21, 12:36
DBAUT for Clancy Brown? {nm} May 21, 13:16
or WDUKE {nm} May 21, 13:18
For Ramires, lets have Antonio Banderas or Javier Bardem {nm} May 21, 14:06
He isn't actually Spanish. {nm} May 21, 14:14