DL: Joe Bell acquired for theatrical release by Roadside Attractions. [GJBEL] will open July 23. May 21, 13:37
Typical Roadside, will go baby wide to start 750 screens and expand from there. {nm} May 21, 14:01
Platforming is probably a thing of the past. At least for anyone attached to a studio (like Roadside) {nm} May 21, 14:03
Will Solstice Studio go down as a one hit wonder with UNHNG? May 21, 14:10
Didn't they release that weird Matthew McConaughey movie? {nm} May 21, 14:41
No, Serenity was the swan song for Aviron. They did just option a Cyberattack film last week. {nm} May 21, 14:43
But it's just a news article they optioned. Which I would be surprised if the deal for that was higher than $100K {nm} May 21, 14:44
I was thinking of Serenity... and no, that was Aviron. Honestly, we really don't need any more studios. {nm} May 21, 14:44