LATIMES: Kimi, Father of the Bride Latinx reboot, Blue Beetle and Batgirl listed as HBO Max, Don't Worry Darling theatrical. Jun 08, 08:41
LAT: For HBO Max, [FOTBR] [HPRTY] [BATGR] [BLUBT] Jun 08, 08:58
Xolo Mariduena is allegedly who they want for Blue Beetle (rumored recently) {nm} Jun 08, 09:00
That's not in the article. {nm} Jun 08, 09:01
Right, that is just the rumor (not in the article) {nm} Jun 08, 09:12
The just being overcautious excuse would be, over-indexing with minority crowds will require those markets to be 100% capacity Jun 08, 09:49
They're also underestimating that LatinX audiences are more likely to see a movie in theaters than on HBO Max. Jun 08, 11:13
counterpoint: In the Heights is tracking for a mid-teens opening Jun 08, 15:29
Urban audience don't track well and/or WB is lowballing to manage expectations. Jun 08, 15:57