LAT: Hollywood whitewash? [BENDR] and [PRSIA]' anger fans with ethnic casting. May 24, 10:36
Very interesting article. The boycott of Airbender is trouble for Paramount. {nm} May 24, 10:47
This is such old news... not sure why they waited so long to jump on the bandwagon. {nm} May 24, 11:18
It's timed to the opening of PRISA. What bandwagon? There's not enough press on the issue. {nm} May 24, 11:49
This was something fandom was b*tching about last year (for Airbender) when it was announced but it's calmed down. May 24, 13:19
God I'm tired of Muslims complaining. {nm} May 24, 14:34
I am tired of the overly vocal minority May 25, 09:39