Minions 3 Illumination will produce a third Minions animated film from the Despicable Me franchise. Pierre Coffin returns to...
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Paramount is producing a third Sonic the Hedgehog based on the SEGA videogame series.
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Trailer for [BLAZS]
Posted by: Antibody on Apr 11, 08:02 in response to notfabio's post Paws of Fury Only In Theatres July 15th trailer (low...
Tag(s): BLAZS
Paws of Fury Only In Theatres July 15th trailer (low budget Kung Fu Panda knock off) notfabio Apr 11, 07:12
Blazing Saddles apparently mostlly referenced with fart jokes, Mel Brooks {nm} notfabio Apr 11, 07:14
maybe its my old ears, but did cera literally phone in his lines, then that phoned in over another phone and maybe tin canned with string? {nm} seaward Apr 11, 07:22
Trailer for [BLAZS] Antibody Apr 11, 08:02
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