The Housemaid Sydney Sweeney stars as The Housemaid to a wealthy couple, played by Amanda Seyfried and Brandon Sklenar, with a...
Babymetal Legend - 43 The Movie The concert film Babymetal Legend - 43 The Movie captures the final show of the Japanese band's 25-country world...
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It makes sense that Paramount would want to stay in the Channing Tatum business with the success of Lost City. {nm}
Posted by: TheWeekendWarrior on May 04, 18:38 in response to Antibody's post GFR: Channing Tatum has entered early talks for Star Trek...
GFR: Channing Tatum has entered early talks for Star Trek 4. [TREK4] (too out there to be made up right?) Antibody May 04, 15:56
Could maybe work as Gary Mitchell (crew member who gets god-like powers) or Trelane (Q-like comical villian) or maybe replace CHEMS? notfabio May 04, 16:44
It makes sense that Paramount would want to stay in the Channing Tatum business with the success of Lost City. TheWeekendWarrior May 04, 18:38
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