HSX Forum
What a concept! We're only going to make movies like ahh, Top Gun - Maverick, guaranteed to make money$$$. Who would have thunk? {nm}
Posted by: erhead56 on Aug 04, 14:50
in response to notfabio's post Variety: The Zas hath spoken " ‘We’re...
Variety: The Zas hath spoken " ‘We’re Not Going to Put a Movie Out Unless We Believe In It’
Aug 04, 14:33
“We’re not going to launch a movie until it’s ready" (buckle up for release date delays!)
Aug 04, 14:34
Aug 04, 14:34
sounds like code for more delays (reshoots) for many future releases and some more movies canned
Aug 04, 14:38
creatives aren’t (totally) stupid. they know what he’s saying and it’s not giving them confidence in WB as a home
Aug 04, 14:52
Wow, that's worse than saying it's a tax write-off. That goes against the WB statement that it's not Leslie Grace's performance.
Aug 04, 14:37
The Zas is pretty blunt when he wants to be.
Aug 04, 14:40
“[Scripted drama] is like a kid’s soccer game - everyone saw something that worked and started chasing the ball. It’s too expensive”
Aug 04, 14:49
DL: DiscoWB bloodletting will continue in Kids/Animated Content “without an adequate investment case against them"
Aug 04, 14:39
it takes a lot to make Bob Chapek look like a genius. nevertheless . . .
Aug 04, 15:10
What a concept! We're only going to make movies like ahh, Top Gun - Maverick, guaranteed to make money$$$. Who would have thunk?
Aug 04, 14:50
WB currently down nearly 12% in after hours trading. Market really likes the plan being laid out.
Aug 04, 15:10
Pointers from a guy who brought us quality programming such as Naked and Afraid, Eaten Alive, 90 Day Fiancé, Palin family reality, etc.(nm}
Aug 04, 15:40
i don't think creators begrudge merging that stuff with HBO content, if it makes the platform stronger overall. it's the way it's being done
Aug 04, 15:44
The people calling shots aren't the folks who wrote Groundhog Day, produced The Godfather -- they gave us downscale, backwater reality shows
Aug 04, 17:31