MTC is 108 for [TOYS3] and 8 for [JOHEX] (I posted RS below) {nm} Jun 14, 20:27
It would be a big story if [JOHEX] only did 8, I think. {nm} Jun 14, 21:04
I'm thinking $8m is the maximum; the buzz is pretty horendous {nm} Jun 14, 21:13
MEFOX = OVER and DONE. {nm} Jun 14, 21:43
It would not be a happy news for me. {nm} Jun 14, 22:16
J-BOD only did $6.8m opening {nm} Jun 14, 22:26
That was one movie. {nm} Jun 15, 04:46
Oh yeah? Big fan are ya? I thought you had some taste dude. {nm} Jun 15, 07:56
That would be a Pluto Nash like drop. {nm} Jun 14, 21:24
TOYS3 will not even hit 100 million. Bank on it...thus says the MoneyMagnet Jun 14, 22:34
I dunno. I know a lot of people that this will be their first time back to the theater since they saw Avatar. {nm} Jun 14, 22:53
Me, too. {nm} Jun 15, 04:47