THR confirms GFR's scoop (that PW also reported after), Keoghan in talks for GLADIATOR 2 Mar 16, 13:24
No credit to GFR or PW {nm} Mar 16, 13:25
DL also confirmed but mentioned GFR in there update Mar 16, 13:40
Their. {nm} Mar 16, 14:00
Is this trolling by Roto allowed? {nm} Mar 16, 14:09
Grammar correction is not trolling. {nm} Mar 16, 14:10
I agree Peter as it clutters up the board. {nm} Mar 16, 14:27
It's not one or the other, we can have both. I don't mind being corrected. If it bothers you, spell it right. {nm} Mar 16, 14:58
HSX should pull a Twitter and charge a monthly fee to allow post editing ;) Mar 16, 17:03
PW could've gotten it from GFR, instead of independently. They've been know to copy stuff from the internet. {nm} Mar 16, 14:18
GFR: Barry Keoghan Cast In Gladiator 2 As Main Villain [GLAD2] Mar 16, 14:11