HSX Forum


ignore prev - ashsagar, FLASH, GOTG3, TLMER, MISS7, INDI5, ASPD2, ELMNT, 325250380 {nm}

Posted by: ashsagar on May 02, 19:13 in response to ashsagar's post ashsagar, GOTG3, FLASH, TLMER, INDI5, MISS7, ASPD2,...

*** Announcing The 2023 Summer Pick 7 Game *** tealfan Apr 28, 08:10

tealfan, GOTG3, ELMNT, INDI5, TLMER, MISS7, OPHMR, ASPD2, 480625227 {nm} tealfan Apr 28, 08:10

gsquared, INDI5, TLMER, GOTG3, FLASH, MISS7, ASPD2, ELMNT, 375612013 {nm} gsquared Apr 28, 08:20

extepan, INDI5, GOTG3, MISS7, TLMER, ASPD2, FASTX, BARBI, 410079803 {nm} extepan Apr 28, 08:45

MattW, MISS7, ASPD2, INDI5, GOTG3, FLASH, BARBI, TLMER, 275275275 {nm} MattW Apr 28, 09:13

cinebello, TLMER, INDI5, MISS7, FLASH, GOTG3, ASPD2, BARBI, 322315257 {nm} gogreenytd Apr 28, 09:20

INDI5, MISS7, GOTG3, FLASH, TLMER, ASPD2, BARBI {nm} Flash Apr 28, 09:32

Oops...Flash! {nm} Flash Apr 28, 09:33

I suggest posting it againd correctly {nm} gogreenytd Apr 28, 09:44

yes please...it smooths out the process of injecting these into KaiGee's web page {nm} tealfan Apr 28, 10:47

Rexlax, GOTG3, TLMER, MISS7, INDI5, FASTX, ASPD2, FLASH, 3637271288 {nm} rexlax Apr 28, 10:37

Rexlax, GOTG3, TLMER, MISS7, INDI5, FASTX, ASPD2, FLASH, 363727128 {nm} rexlax Apr 28, 10:39

lukasck,GOTG3,INDI5,TLMER,FLASH,ASPD2,ELMNT,BARBI,401111299 {nm} lukasck Apr 28, 10:47

GruntNoNeck, GOTG3, TLMER, INDI5, MISS7, ASPD2, FLASH, FASTX, 385267112 {nm} Grunt Apr 28, 10:49

Initech, GOTG3, INDI5, FASTX, FLASH, MISS7, TLMER, ASPD2, 337529114 {nm} Initech Apr 28, 11:53

Revised, missed one on my list {nm} Initech Apr 28, 12:03

Initech, GOTG3, INDI5, FASTX, FLASH, TFRM7, MISS7, TLMER, 337529114 {nm} Initech Apr 28, 12:04

slappydavid, GOTG3, INDI5, TLMER, ASPD2, MISS7, ELMNT, FASTX, 394394394 {nm} slappydavid Apr 28, 12:45

Shrike, INDI5, FLASH, TLMER, GOTG3, MISS7, FASTX, ASPD2, 300000000 {nm} Shrikey Apr 28, 12:48

mexgoer33, INDI5, TLMER, GOTG3, FLASH, MISS7, BARBI, FASTX, 290345678 {nm} mexgoer33 Apr 28, 13:13

Fitch3K, FLASH, MISS7, GOTG3, TLMER, INDI5, ELMNT, TFRM7, 312749880 {nm} Fitch3k Apr 29, 13:29

Sorry, correcting: mexgoer33, INDI5, TLMER, ASPD2, GOTG3, FLASH, MISS7, BARBI, 290345678 {nm} mexgoer33 May 04, 12:07

DeanB, INDI5, GOTG3, MISS7, ASPD2, TLMER, FLASH, ELMNT, 379000000 {nm} DeanB Apr 28, 14:10

nummy, GOTG3, INDI5, TLMER, FLASH, MISS7, ASPD2, ELMNT 412345678 {nm} nummy Apr 28, 15:45

makingajess, INDI5, MISS7, ASPD2, GOTG3, TLMER, FLASH, ELMNT {nm} makingajess Apr 28, 17:12

makingajess, INDI5, MISS7, ASPD2, GOTG3, TLMER, FLASH, ELMNT, 300000001 {nm} makingajess Apr 28, 17:13

Highlightdark GOTG3, FLASH, TLMER, INDI5, MISS7, FASTX, TFRM7 357823101 {nm} HighLightDark Apr 29, 04:25

Please remove this. Incorrect format {nm} HighLightDark Apr 29, 04:28

Highlightdark, GOTG3, FLASH, TLMER, INDI5, MISS7, FASTX, TFRM7, 357823101 {nm} HighLightDark Apr 29, 04:27

sloopsjohng, GOTG3, INDI5, FLASH, TLMER, MISS7, ASPD2, BARBI, 389682716 {nm} sloopsjohng Apr 29, 05:25

TheWeekendWarrrior, INDI5, GOTG3, MISS7, TLMER, FLASH, ASPD2, FASTX, BARBI, 386152335 {nm} TheWeekendWarrior Apr 29, 05:43

summer pick 8 {nm} nummy Apr 29, 17:29

Counting is hard! Please remove FASTX (do I need to repost?) {nm} TheWeekendWarrior Apr 30, 05:33

TheWeekendWarrrior, INDI5, GOTG3, MISS7, TLMER, FLASH, ASPD2, BARBI, 386152335 {nm} TheWeekendWarrior Apr 30, 05:34

jonjon - FLASH, INDI5, GOTG3, MISS7, TLMER, ASPD2, OPHMR, $326,192,112 {nm} jonjon Apr 29, 11:02

jonjon, FLASH, INDI5, GOTG3, MISS7, TLMER, ASPD2, OPHMR, 326192112 {nm} jonjon Apr 30, 00:38

only 1 entry, just realized I didn't use correct format exactly {nm} jonjon Apr 30, 00:39

Fitch3K, FLASH, MISS7, GOTG3, TLMER, INDI5, ELMNT, TFRM7, 312749880 {nm} Fitch3k Apr 29, 13:30

Rocket123, GOTG3, INDI5, TLMER, FLASH, MISS7, ELMNT, FASTX, 324592959 {nm} Rocket123 Apr 29, 14:41

ashsagar, GOTG3, FLASH, TLMER, INDI5, MISS7, ASPD2, ELMNT, 375250380 {nm} ashsagar Apr 29, 19:30

ignore prev - ashsagar, FLASH, GOTG3, TLMER, MISS7, INDI5, ASPD2, ELMNT, 325250380 ashsagar May 02, 19:13

GOTG3, TLMER, FLASH, INDI5, MISS7, ASPD2, BARBI 419569117 {nm} grammar Apr 29, 23:42

grammar,GOTG3, TLMER, FLASH, INDI5, MISS7, ASPD2, BARBI, 419569117 {nm} grammar Apr 30, 17:17

grammar, FLASH, GOTG3, TLMER, INDI5, MISS7, ASPD2, FASTX, 360225 {nm} grammar May 04, 20:23

grammar, FLASH, ASPD2, TLMER, INDI5, MISS7, GOTG3, FASTX, 260225 {nm} grammar May 04, 22:38

grammar, FLASH, ASPD2, TLMER, INDI5, MISS7, GOTG3, FASTX, 2602250000 {nm} grammar May 05, 09:35

grammar, FLASH, ASPD2, TLMER, INDI5, MISS7, GOTG3, FASTX, 260225000 {nm} grammar May 05, 09:36

CButera, INDI5, GOTG3, FLASH, ELMNT, TLMER, TFRM7, ASPD2, 376000071 {nm} CButera Apr 30, 10:14

numbersix_99, GOTG3, MISS7, ASPD2, FLASH, INDI5, TLMER, FASTX, 335000000 {nm} numbersix_99 Apr 30, 11:12

DanU, TLMER, GOTG3, INDI5, FLASH, ASPD2, MISS7, BARBI, 402001001 {nm} DanU Apr 30, 11:13

Steved1998, INDI5, MISS7, FASTX, GOTG3, TFRM7, ASPD2 FLASH ELMNT {nm} Opener Fund Apr 30, 18:38

IGNORE Last post. I accidentally hit post - my entry Steved1998, INDI5, MISS7, FASTX, GOTG3, TFRM7, ASPD2, FLASH, 440678987 {nm} Opener Fund Apr 30, 18:41

Last time- final entry: Steved1998, INDI5, MISS7, FASTX, GOTG3, TLMER, ASPD2, FLASH, 440678987 {nm} Opener Fund Apr 30, 18:49

daveart, TLMER, MISS7, INDI5, GOTG3, FLASH, ASPD2, FASTX, 347850000 {nm} daveart Apr 30, 19:35

Professor Frink, INDI5, GOTG3, BARBI, TLMER, MISS7, ASPD2, FLASH, 378545450 {nm} Professor Frink May 01, 00:39

tomcat90, TLMER, GOTG3, MISS7, INDI5, FLASH, ASPD2, FASTX, 364000000 {nm} tomcat90 May 01, 04:27

billy1975, TLMER, MISS7, GOTG3, ASPD2, FLASH, INDI5, ELMNT, 354125985 {nm} billy1975 May 01, 04:50

JayPrimetown - GOTG3, FLASH, TLMER, INDI5, ASPD2, MISS7, TMNT3, 421500000 {nm} JayPrimetown May 01, 06:01

avandelay, GOTG3, INDI5, MISS7, TLMER, ASPD2, FASTX, FLASH, 391000000 {nm} avandelay May 01, 09:48

GOTG3, INDI5, MISS7, FLASH, TLMER, FASTX, ASPD2, 427602358 {nm} arbybaker May 01, 10:45

arbybaker, GOTG3, INDI5, MISS7, FLASH, TLMER, FASTX, ASPD2, 427602358 {nm} arbybaker May 01, 10:48

Figgie123 - GOTG3, TLMER, INDI5, MISS7, FLASH, ASPD2, BARBI, 390350400 {nm} Figgie123 May 02, 06:45

moviecub, FLASH, MISS7, INDI5, GOTG3, TLMER, ASPD2, ELMNT, $350,666,666 {nm} Movie Cub May 02, 07:38

ladybegood, INDI5, GOTG3, MISS7, FLASH, TLMER, ASPD2, FASTX, $324,222,222 {nm} ladybegood May 02, 13:50

sberg23, GOTG3, TLMER, INDI5, MISS7, ASPD2, FLASH, FASTX, 296000001 {nm} sberg23 May 02, 20:48

austpow: TLMER, FLASH, GOTG3, MISS7, INDI5, ASPD2, BARBI, 338000000 {nm} austpow May 02, 22:57

psisson, TLMER, FLASH, INDI5, MISS7, GOTG3, 314995123 {nm} psisson May 03, 06:08

dammit, IGNORE {nm} psisson May 03, 06:10

ProfessorAF, FLASH, INDI5, GOTG3, TLMER, MISS7, ASPD2, BARBI, 301000000 {nm} ProfessorAF May 03, 08:25

ladybegood, INDI5, GOTG3, MISS7, FLASH, TLMER, ASPD2, FASTX, 314222222 - Just removed commas in total {nm} ladybegood May 03, 08:28

Sorry. Just realised I changed the total at the end by mistake when I cut out commas. I'll keep the original, though, please - 324222222 {nm} ladybegood May 04, 13:46

sphere, ELMNT, TLMER, GOTG3, MISS7, FLASH, INDI5, ASPD2, 257257257 {nm} sphere May 03, 13:42

Nigel_Ray, GOTG3, INDI5, TLMER, MISS7, FLASH, ASPD2, FASTX, 365000000 {nm} Nigel_Ray May 04, 10:08

Paul2k, ASPD2, TLMER, MISS7,GOTG3, FASTX, FLASH, BARBI, 292055111 {nm} Paul2k May 04, 11:11

Abraxas, TLMER, GOTG3, MISS7, INDI5, FLASH, ELMNT, FASTX, 333444555 {nm} Abraxas May 04, 14:57

Falken, GOTG3, TLMER, FLASH, ASPD2, INDI5, MISS7, TFRM7, 420000000 {nm} Falken May 04, 15:38

VictorY: INDI5, MISS7, ASPD2, GOTG3, FLASH, OPHMR, FASTX, 299,000,000 {nm} VictorY May 04, 17:36

TFeeney, TLMER, GOTG3, ASPD2, INDI5, MISS7, FLASH, FASTX, 333333333 {nm} TFeeney May 04, 21:12

Baron_Darcon2017, BARBI, FLASH, ELMNT, TLMER, INDI5 , MISS7, ASPD2, 243617933 {nm} Baron_Darcon2017 May 04, 21:26

Goodvibe61, INDI5, TLMER, GOTG3, FLASH, MISS7, ASPD2, FASTX, 300,000,000 {nm} goodvibe61 May 05, 00:08

Qix, INDI5, TLMER, FLASH, MISS7, ASPD2, GOTG3, FASTX, 275000000 {nm} Qix May 05, 01:02

JDolphin, INDI5, TLMER, MISS7, GOTG3, ASPD2, ELMNT, OPHMR, 262001001 {nm} JDolphin May 05, 01:56

Andre C, TLMER, GOTG3, INDI5, FLASH, BARBI, ASPD2, MISS7, 340000000 {nm} Andre C May 05, 02:39

oneman, ASPD2, ELMNT, INDI5, TLMER, MISS7, GOTG3, FLASH, 282000500 {nm} oneman May 05, 05:20

Tallwonder, INDI5, GOTG3, TLMER, ASPD2, MISS7, FLASH, FASTX, 284142071 {nm} Tallwonder May 05, 08:25

RotoHockeyYTD2014, TLMER, INDI5, GOTG3, ELMNT, MISS7, FLASH, OPHMR, 300000000 {nm} RotoHockeyYTD2014 May 05, 09:27

SenJohnBlutarsky, INDI5, TLMER, GOTG3, MISS7, ASPD2, ELMNT, FLASH, 338675309 {nm} SenJohnBlutarsky May 05, 09:45

ShawnMR, INDI5, FLASH, GOTG3, MISS7, TLMER, ASPD2, FASTX, 305000000 ShawnMR May 05, 09:46

Catzan, FLASH, INDI5, GOTG3, FASTX, MISS7, ASPD2, TLMER, 312000312 {nm} Catzan May 05, 10:03

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Death Of A Unicorn (DUNIC) 150000 17.93 (-1.05)          Heart of the Beast (HOTBS) 150000 36.38 (+0.85)          The Bookie & the Bruiser (TBATB) 150000 13.08 (+0.91)          Good Luck, Have Fun, Don’t Die (GLHFD) 150000 12.55 (-0.03)          Good Luck, Have Fun, Don’t Die (GLHFD) 85000 12.55 (-0.03)          A Minecraft Movie (MINEC) 150000 163.50 (+3.64)          The Lord of the Rings: The Hunt (LOTR5) 38000 140.97 (+0.30)          The Legend of Ochi (LOCHI) 25000 16.99 (+0.09)          Tangled (TANGL) 50000 119.60 (+1.25)          Tornado (TRNDO) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 150000 104.51 (+8.09)          Dangerous Animals (DANML) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Tangled (TANGL) 50000 119.60 (+1.25)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 150000 104.51 (+8.09)          Avengers: Secret Wars (AVNG6) 169 451.76 (+2.14)          Avengers: Secret Wars (AVNG6) 1 451.76 (+2.14)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 100000 104.51 (+8.09)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 10134 104.51 (+8.09)          The Entertainment System Is Down (TESID) 100000 15.57 (+0.31)          Avengers: Doomsday (AVNG5) 150 519.18 (+2.50)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 95318 104.51 (+8.09)          The King of Kings (KOKNG) 25000 26.25 (-0.01)          Mickey 17 (MCKY7) 13383 44.00 (-0.28)          Avatar: Fire and Ash aka Avatar (AVAT3) 5000 453.50 (-0.23)          The Alto Knights (WISEG) 150000 6.93 (-0.51)          Ronan Boyle and the Bridge of Ri (RBOYL) 150000 17.41 (+0.07)          Disney's Snow White (SNWHT) 150000 146.99 (-2.08)          Helen & Teacher (HELNT) 45000 0.04 (-0.01)          The Chosen: Last Supper - Part 1 (TCS51) 149999 19.44 (+1.76)          Disney's Snow White (SNWHT) 150000 146.99 (-2.08)          Mickey 17 (MCKY7) 2915 44.00 (-0.28)          Friendship (FNSHP) 10000 9.54 (0.00)          Ronan Boyle and the Bridge of Ri (RBOYL) 150000 17.41 (+0.07)          In The Lost Lands (INTLL) 150000 1.94 (+0.01)          The Phoenician Scheme (TPSCH) 10000 16.26 (+0.02)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 10000 104.51 (+8.09)          The Entertainment System Is Down (TESID) 150000 15.57 (+0.31)          Tornado (TRNDO) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          The Entertainment System Is Down (TESID) 50000 15.57 (+0.31)          Dangerous Animals (DANML) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Frozen III (FROZ3) 75000 284.55 (-0.91)          Swamp Thing (SWAMP) 50000 33.28 (-0.10)          Vicious (VICUS) 10000 13.47 (+0.06)          Blade (BLAD1) 1 59.90 (-1.83)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 150000 104.51 (+8.09)          Tangled (TANGL) 150000 119.60 (+1.25)          The King of Kings H$10 Put (KOKNG.PU) 10472 2.08 (-0.14)          Girls Trip 2 (GRLT2) 150000 14.00 (+1.95)          Girls Trip 2 (GRLT2) 150000 14.00 (+1.95)          The Chosen: Last Supper - Part 1 (TCS51) 150000 19.44 (+1.76)          Death Of A Unicorn (DUNIC) 150000 17.93 (-1.05)          Heart of the Beast (HOTBS) 150000 36.38 (+0.85)          The Bookie & the Bruiser (TBATB) 150000 13.08 (+0.91)          Good Luck, Have Fun, Don’t Die (GLHFD) 150000 12.55 (-0.03)          Good Luck, Have Fun, Don’t Die (GLHFD) 85000 12.55 (-0.03)          A Minecraft Movie (MINEC) 150000 163.50 (+3.64)          The Lord of the Rings: The Hunt (LOTR5) 38000 140.97 (+0.30)          The Legend of Ochi (LOCHI) 25000 16.99 (+0.09)          Tangled (TANGL) 50000 119.60 (+1.25)          Tornado (TRNDO) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 150000 104.51 (+8.09)          Dangerous Animals (DANML) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Tangled (TANGL) 50000 119.60 (+1.25)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 150000 104.51 (+8.09)          Avengers: Secret Wars (AVNG6) 169 451.76 (+2.14)          Avengers: Secret Wars (AVNG6) 1 451.76 (+2.14)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 100000 104.51 (+8.09)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 10134 104.51 (+8.09)          The Entertainment System Is Down (TESID) 100000 15.57 (+0.31)          Avengers: Doomsday (AVNG5) 150 519.18 (+2.50)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 95318 104.51 (+8.09)          The King of Kings (KOKNG) 25000 26.25 (-0.01)          Mickey 17 (MCKY7) 13383 44.00 (-0.28)          Avatar: Fire and Ash aka Avatar (AVAT3) 5000 453.50 (-0.23)          The Alto Knights (WISEG) 150000 6.93 (-0.51)          Ronan Boyle and the Bridge of Ri (RBOYL) 150000 17.41 (+0.07)          Disney's Snow White (SNWHT) 150000 146.99 (-2.08)          Helen & Teacher (HELNT) 45000 0.04 (-0.01)          The Chosen: Last Supper - Part 1 (TCS51) 149999 19.44 (+1.76)          Disney's Snow White (SNWHT) 150000 146.99 (-2.08)          Mickey 17 (MCKY7) 2915 44.00 (-0.28)          Friendship (FNSHP) 10000 9.54 (0.00)          Ronan Boyle and the Bridge of Ri (RBOYL) 150000 17.41 (+0.07)          In The Lost Lands (INTLL) 150000 1.94 (+0.01)          The Phoenician Scheme (TPSCH) 10000 16.26 (+0.02)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 10000 104.51 (+8.09)          The Entertainment System Is Down (TESID) 150000 15.57 (+0.31)          Tornado (TRNDO) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          The Entertainment System Is Down (TESID) 50000 15.57 (+0.31)          Dangerous Animals (DANML) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Frozen III (FROZ3) 75000 284.55 (-0.91)          Swamp Thing (SWAMP) 50000 33.28 (-0.10)          Vicious (VICUS) 10000 13.47 (+0.06)          Blade (BLAD1) 1 59.90 (-1.83)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 150000 104.51 (+8.09)          Tangled (TANGL) 150000 119.60 (+1.25)          The King of Kings H$10 Put (KOKNG.PU) 10472 2.08 (-0.14)          Girls Trip 2 (GRLT2) 150000 14.00 (+1.95)          Girls Trip 2 (GRLT2) 150000 14.00 (+1.95)          The Chosen: Last Supper - Part 1 (TCS51) 150000 19.44 (+1.76)          Death Of A Unicorn (DUNIC) 150000 17.93 (-1.05)          Heart of the Beast (HOTBS) 150000 36.38 (+0.85)          The Bookie & the Bruiser (TBATB) 150000 13.08 (+0.91)          Good Luck, Have Fun, Don’t Die (GLHFD) 150000 12.55 (-0.03)          Good Luck, Have Fun, Don’t Die (GLHFD) 85000 12.55 (-0.03)          A Minecraft Movie (MINEC) 150000 163.50 (+3.64)          The Lord of the Rings: The Hunt (LOTR5) 38000 140.97 (+0.30)          The Legend of Ochi (LOCHI) 25000 16.99 (+0.09)          Tangled (TANGL) 50000 119.60 (+1.25)          Tornado (TRNDO) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 150000 104.51 (+8.09)          Dangerous Animals (DANML) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Tangled (TANGL) 50000 119.60 (+1.25)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 150000 104.51 (+8.09)          Avengers: Secret Wars (AVNG6) 169 451.76 (+2.14)          Avengers: Secret Wars (AVNG6) 1 451.76 (+2.14)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 100000 104.51 (+8.09)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 10134 104.51 (+8.09)          The Entertainment System Is Down (TESID) 100000 15.57 (+0.31)          Avengers: Doomsday (AVNG5) 150 519.18 (+2.50)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 95318 104.51 (+8.09)          The King of Kings (KOKNG) 25000 26.25 (-0.01)          Mickey 17 (MCKY7) 13383 44.00 (-0.28)          Avatar: Fire and Ash aka Avatar (AVAT3) 5000 453.50 (-0.23)          The Alto Knights (WISEG) 150000 6.93 (-0.51)          Ronan Boyle and the Bridge of Ri (RBOYL) 150000 17.41 (+0.07)          Disney's Snow White (SNWHT) 150000 146.99 (-2.08)          Helen & Teacher (HELNT) 45000 0.04 (-0.01)          The Chosen: Last Supper - Part 1 (TCS51) 149999 19.44 (+1.76)          Disney's Snow White (SNWHT) 150000 146.99 (-2.08)          Mickey 17 (MCKY7) 2915 44.00 (-0.28)          Friendship (FNSHP) 10000 9.54 (0.00)          Ronan Boyle and the Bridge of Ri (RBOYL) 150000 17.41 (+0.07)          In The Lost Lands (INTLL) 150000 1.94 (+0.01)          The Phoenician Scheme (TPSCH) 10000 16.26 (+0.02)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 10000 104.51 (+8.09)          The Entertainment System Is Down (TESID) 150000 15.57 (+0.31)          Tornado (TRNDO) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          The Entertainment System Is Down (TESID) 50000 15.57 (+0.31)          Dangerous Animals (DANML) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Frozen III (FROZ3) 75000 284.55 (-0.91)          Swamp Thing (SWAMP) 50000 33.28 (-0.10)          Vicious (VICUS) 10000 13.47 (+0.06)          Blade (BLAD1) 1 59.90 (-1.83)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 150000 104.51 (+8.09)          Tangled (TANGL) 150000 119.60 (+1.25)          The King of Kings H$10 Put (KOKNG.PU) 10472 2.08 (-0.14)          Girls Trip 2 (GRLT2) 150000 14.00 (+1.95)          Girls Trip 2 (GRLT2) 150000 14.00 (+1.95)          The Chosen: Last Supper - Part 1 (TCS51) 150000 19.44 (+1.76)          Death Of A Unicorn (DUNIC) 150000 17.93 (-1.05)          Heart of the Beast (HOTBS) 150000 36.38 (+0.85)          The Bookie & the Bruiser (TBATB) 150000 13.08 (+0.91)          Good Luck, Have Fun, Don’t Die (GLHFD) 150000 12.55 (-0.03)          Good Luck, Have Fun, Don’t Die (GLHFD) 85000 12.55 (-0.03)          A Minecraft Movie (MINEC) 150000 163.50 (+3.64)          The Lord of the Rings: The Hunt (LOTR5) 38000 140.97 (+0.30)          The Legend of Ochi (LOCHI) 25000 16.99 (+0.09)          Tangled (TANGL) 50000 119.60 (+1.25)          Tornado (TRNDO) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 150000 104.51 (+8.09)          Dangerous Animals (DANML) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Tangled (TANGL) 50000 119.60 (+1.25)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 150000 104.51 (+8.09)          Avengers: Secret Wars (AVNG6) 169 451.76 (+2.14)          Avengers: Secret Wars (AVNG6) 1 451.76 (+2.14)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 100000 104.51 (+8.09)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 10134 104.51 (+8.09)          The Entertainment System Is Down (TESID) 100000 15.57 (+0.31)          Avengers: Doomsday (AVNG5) 150 519.18 (+2.50)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 95318 104.51 (+8.09)          The King of Kings (KOKNG) 25000 26.25 (-0.01)          Mickey 17 (MCKY7) 13383 44.00 (-0.28)          Avatar: Fire and Ash aka Avatar (AVAT3) 5000 453.50 (-0.23)          The Alto Knights (WISEG) 150000 6.93 (-0.51)          Ronan Boyle and the Bridge of Ri (RBOYL) 150000 17.41 (+0.07)          Disney's Snow White (SNWHT) 150000 146.99 (-2.08)          Helen & Teacher (HELNT) 45000 0.04 (-0.01)          The Chosen: Last Supper - Part 1 (TCS51) 149999 19.44 (+1.76)          Disney's Snow White (SNWHT) 150000 146.99 (-2.08)          Mickey 17 (MCKY7) 2915 44.00 (-0.28)          Friendship (FNSHP) 10000 9.54 (0.00)          Ronan Boyle and the Bridge of Ri (RBOYL) 150000 17.41 (+0.07)          In The Lost Lands (INTLL) 150000 1.94 (+0.01)          The Phoenician Scheme (TPSCH) 10000 16.26 (+0.02)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 10000 104.51 (+8.09)          The Entertainment System Is Down (TESID) 150000 15.57 (+0.31)          Tornado (TRNDO) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          The Entertainment System Is Down (TESID) 50000 15.57 (+0.31)          Dangerous Animals (DANML) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Frozen III (FROZ3) 75000 284.55 (-0.91)          Swamp Thing (SWAMP) 50000 33.28 (-0.10)          Vicious (VICUS) 10000 13.47 (+0.06)          Blade (BLAD1) 1 59.90 (-1.83)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 150000 104.51 (+8.09)          Tangled (TANGL) 150000 119.60 (+1.25)          The King of Kings H$10 Put (KOKNG.PU) 10472 2.08 (-0.14)          Girls Trip 2 (GRLT2) 150000 14.00 (+1.95)          Girls Trip 2 (GRLT2) 150000 14.00 (+1.95)          The Chosen: Last Supper - Part 1 (TCS51) 150000 19.44 (+1.76)          Death Of A Unicorn (DUNIC) 150000 17.93 (-1.05)          Heart of the Beast (HOTBS) 150000 36.38 (+0.85)          The Bookie & the Bruiser (TBATB) 150000 13.08 (+0.91)          Good Luck, Have Fun, Don’t Die (GLHFD) 150000 12.55 (-0.03)          Good Luck, Have Fun, Don’t Die (GLHFD) 85000 12.55 (-0.03)          A Minecraft Movie (MINEC) 150000 163.50 (+3.64)          The Lord of the Rings: The Hunt (LOTR5) 38000 140.97 (+0.30)          The Legend of Ochi (LOCHI) 25000 16.99 (+0.09)          Tangled (TANGL) 50000 119.60 (+1.25)          Tornado (TRNDO) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 150000 104.51 (+8.09)          Dangerous Animals (DANML) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Tangled (TANGL) 50000 119.60 (+1.25)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 150000 104.51 (+8.09)          Avengers: Secret Wars (AVNG6) 169 451.76 (+2.14)          Avengers: Secret Wars (AVNG6) 1 451.76 (+2.14)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 100000 104.51 (+8.09)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 10134 104.51 (+8.09)          The Entertainment System Is Down (TESID) 100000 15.57 (+0.31)          Avengers: Doomsday (AVNG5) 150 519.18 (+2.50)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 95318 104.51 (+8.09)          The King of Kings (KOKNG) 25000 26.25 (-0.01)          Mickey 17 (MCKY7) 13383 44.00 (-0.28)          Avatar: Fire and Ash aka Avatar (AVAT3) 5000 453.50 (-0.23)          The Alto Knights (WISEG) 150000 6.93 (-0.51)          Ronan Boyle and the Bridge of Ri (RBOYL) 150000 17.41 (+0.07)          Disney's Snow White (SNWHT) 150000 146.99 (-2.08)          Helen & Teacher (HELNT) 45000 0.04 (-0.01)          The Chosen: Last Supper - Part 1 (TCS51) 149999 19.44 (+1.76)          Disney's Snow White (SNWHT) 150000 146.99 (-2.08)          Mickey 17 (MCKY7) 2915 44.00 (-0.28)          Friendship (FNSHP) 10000 9.54 (0.00)          Ronan Boyle and the Bridge of Ri (RBOYL) 150000 17.41 (+0.07)          In The Lost Lands (INTLL) 150000 1.94 (+0.01)          The Phoenician Scheme (TPSCH) 10000 16.26 (+0.02)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 10000 104.51 (+8.09)          The Entertainment System Is Down (TESID) 150000 15.57 (+0.31)          Tornado (TRNDO) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          The Entertainment System Is Down (TESID) 50000 15.57 (+0.31)          Dangerous Animals (DANML) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Frozen III (FROZ3) 75000 284.55 (-0.91)          Swamp Thing (SWAMP) 50000 33.28 (-0.10)          Vicious (VICUS) 10000 13.47 (+0.06)          Blade (BLAD1) 1 59.90 (-1.83)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 150000 104.51 (+8.09)          Tangled (TANGL) 150000 119.60 (+1.25)          The King of Kings H$10 Put (KOKNG.PU) 10472 2.08 (-0.14)          Girls Trip 2 (GRLT2) 150000 14.00 (+1.95)          Girls Trip 2 (GRLT2) 150000 14.00 (+1.95)          The Chosen: Last Supper - Part 1 (TCS51) 150000 19.44 (+1.76)          Death Of A Unicorn (DUNIC) 150000 17.93 (-1.05)          Heart of the Beast (HOTBS) 150000 36.38 (+0.85)          The Bookie & the Bruiser (TBATB) 150000 13.08 (+0.91)          Good Luck, Have Fun, Don’t Die (GLHFD) 150000 12.55 (-0.03)          Good Luck, Have Fun, Don’t Die (GLHFD) 85000 12.55 (-0.03)          A Minecraft Movie (MINEC) 150000 163.50 (+3.64)          The Lord of the Rings: The Hunt (LOTR5) 38000 140.97 (+0.30)          The Legend of Ochi (LOCHI) 25000 16.99 (+0.09)          Tangled (TANGL) 50000 119.60 (+1.25)          Tornado (TRNDO) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 150000 104.51 (+8.09)          Dangerous Animals (DANML) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Tangled (TANGL) 50000 119.60 (+1.25)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 150000 104.51 (+8.09)          Avengers: Secret Wars (AVNG6) 169 451.76 (+2.14)          Avengers: Secret Wars (AVNG6) 1 451.76 (+2.14)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 100000 104.51 (+8.09)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 10134 104.51 (+8.09)          The Entertainment System Is Down (TESID) 100000 15.57 (+0.31)          Avengers: Doomsday (AVNG5) 150 519.18 (+2.50)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 95318 104.51 (+8.09)          The King of Kings (KOKNG) 25000 26.25 (-0.01)          Mickey 17 (MCKY7) 13383 44.00 (-0.28)          Avatar: Fire and Ash aka Avatar (AVAT3) 5000 453.50 (-0.23)          The Alto Knights (WISEG) 150000 6.93 (-0.51)          Ronan Boyle and the Bridge of Ri (RBOYL) 150000 17.41 (+0.07)          Disney's Snow White (SNWHT) 150000 146.99 (-2.08)          Helen & Teacher (HELNT) 45000 0.04 (-0.01)          The Chosen: Last Supper - Part 1 (TCS51) 149999 19.44 (+1.76)          Disney's Snow White (SNWHT) 150000 146.99 (-2.08)          Mickey 17 (MCKY7) 2915 44.00 (-0.28)          Friendship (FNSHP) 10000 9.54 (0.00)          Ronan Boyle and the Bridge of Ri (RBOYL) 150000 17.41 (+0.07)          In The Lost Lands (INTLL) 150000 1.94 (+0.01)          The Phoenician Scheme (TPSCH) 10000 16.26 (+0.02)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 10000 104.51 (+8.09)          The Entertainment System Is Down (TESID) 150000 15.57 (+0.31)          Tornado (TRNDO) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          The Entertainment System Is Down (TESID) 50000 15.57 (+0.31)          Dangerous Animals (DANML) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Frozen III (FROZ3) 75000 284.55 (-0.91)          Swamp Thing (SWAMP) 50000 33.28 (-0.10)          Vicious (VICUS) 10000 13.47 (+0.06)          Blade (BLAD1) 1 59.90 (-1.83)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 150000 104.51 (+8.09)          Tangled (TANGL) 150000 119.60 (+1.25)          The King of Kings H$10 Put (KOKNG.PU) 10472 2.08 (-0.14)          Girls Trip 2 (GRLT2) 150000 14.00 (+1.95)          Girls Trip 2 (GRLT2) 150000 14.00 (+1.95)          The Chosen: Last Supper - Part 1 (TCS51) 150000 19.44 (+1.76)          Death Of A Unicorn (DUNIC) 150000 17.93 (-1.05)          Heart of the Beast (HOTBS) 150000 36.38 (+0.85)          The Bookie & the Bruiser (TBATB) 150000 13.08 (+0.91)          Good Luck, Have Fun, Don’t Die (GLHFD) 150000 12.55 (-0.03)          Good Luck, Have Fun, Don’t Die (GLHFD) 85000 12.55 (-0.03)          A Minecraft Movie (MINEC) 150000 163.50 (+3.64)          The Lord of the Rings: The Hunt (LOTR5) 38000 140.97 (+0.30)          The Legend of Ochi (LOCHI) 25000 16.99 (+0.09)          Tangled (TANGL) 50000 119.60 (+1.25)          Tornado (TRNDO) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 150000 104.51 (+8.09)          Dangerous Animals (DANML) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Tangled (TANGL) 50000 119.60 (+1.25)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 150000 104.51 (+8.09)          Avengers: Secret Wars (AVNG6) 169 451.76 (+2.14)          Avengers: Secret Wars (AVNG6) 1 451.76 (+2.14)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 100000 104.51 (+8.09)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 10134 104.51 (+8.09)          The Entertainment System Is Down (TESID) 100000 15.57 (+0.31)          Avengers: Doomsday (AVNG5) 150 519.18 (+2.50)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 95318 104.51 (+8.09)          The King of Kings (KOKNG) 25000 26.25 (-0.01)          Mickey 17 (MCKY7) 13383 44.00 (-0.28)          Avatar: Fire and Ash aka Avatar (AVAT3) 5000 453.50 (-0.23)          The Alto Knights (WISEG) 150000 6.93 (-0.51)          Ronan Boyle and the Bridge of Ri (RBOYL) 150000 17.41 (+0.07)          Disney's Snow White (SNWHT) 150000 146.99 (-2.08)          Helen & Teacher (HELNT) 45000 0.04 (-0.01)          The Chosen: Last Supper - Part 1 (TCS51) 149999 19.44 (+1.76)          Disney's Snow White (SNWHT) 150000 146.99 (-2.08)          Mickey 17 (MCKY7) 2915 44.00 (-0.28)          Friendship (FNSHP) 10000 9.54 (0.00)          Ronan Boyle and the Bridge of Ri (RBOYL) 150000 17.41 (+0.07)          In The Lost Lands (INTLL) 150000 1.94 (+0.01)          The Phoenician Scheme (TPSCH) 10000 16.26 (+0.02)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 10000 104.51 (+8.09)          The Entertainment System Is Down (TESID) 150000 15.57 (+0.31)          Tornado (TRNDO) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          The Entertainment System Is Down (TESID) 50000 15.57 (+0.31)          Dangerous Animals (DANML) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Frozen III (FROZ3) 75000 284.55 (-0.91)          Swamp Thing (SWAMP) 50000 33.28 (-0.10)          Vicious (VICUS) 10000 13.47 (+0.06)          Blade (BLAD1) 1 59.90 (-1.83)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 150000 104.51 (+8.09)          Tangled (TANGL) 150000 119.60 (+1.25)          The King of Kings H$10 Put (KOKNG.PU) 10472 2.08 (-0.14)          Girls Trip 2 (GRLT2) 150000 14.00 (+1.95)          Girls Trip 2 (GRLT2) 150000 14.00 (+1.95)          The Chosen: Last Supper - Part 1 (TCS51) 150000 19.44 (+1.76)          Death Of A Unicorn (DUNIC) 150000 17.93 (-1.05)          Heart of the Beast (HOTBS) 150000 36.38 (+0.85)          The Bookie & the Bruiser (TBATB) 150000 13.08 (+0.91)          Good Luck, Have Fun, Don’t Die (GLHFD) 150000 12.55 (-0.03)          Good Luck, Have Fun, Don’t Die (GLHFD) 85000 12.55 (-0.03)          A Minecraft Movie (MINEC) 150000 163.50 (+3.64)          The Lord of the Rings: The Hunt (LOTR5) 38000 140.97 (+0.30)          The Legend of Ochi (LOCHI) 25000 16.99 (+0.09)          Tangled (TANGL) 50000 119.60 (+1.25)          Tornado (TRNDO) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 150000 104.51 (+8.09)          Dangerous Animals (DANML) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Tangled (TANGL) 50000 119.60 (+1.25)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 150000 104.51 (+8.09)          Avengers: Secret Wars (AVNG6) 169 451.76 (+2.14)          Avengers: Secret Wars (AVNG6) 1 451.76 (+2.14)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 100000 104.51 (+8.09)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 10134 104.51 (+8.09)          The Entertainment System Is Down (TESID) 100000 15.57 (+0.31)          Avengers: Doomsday (AVNG5) 150 519.18 (+2.50)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 95318 104.51 (+8.09)          The King of Kings (KOKNG) 25000 26.25 (-0.01)          Mickey 17 (MCKY7) 13383 44.00 (-0.28)          Avatar: Fire and Ash aka Avatar (AVAT3) 5000 453.50 (-0.23)          The Alto Knights (WISEG) 150000 6.93 (-0.51)          Ronan Boyle and the Bridge of Ri (RBOYL) 150000 17.41 (+0.07)          Disney's Snow White (SNWHT) 150000 146.99 (-2.08)          Helen & Teacher (HELNT) 45000 0.04 (-0.01)          The Chosen: Last Supper - Part 1 (TCS51) 149999 19.44 (+1.76)          Disney's Snow White (SNWHT) 150000 146.99 (-2.08)          Mickey 17 (MCKY7) 2915 44.00 (-0.28)          Friendship (FNSHP) 10000 9.54 (0.00)          Ronan Boyle and the Bridge of Ri (RBOYL) 150000 17.41 (+0.07)          In The Lost Lands (INTLL) 150000 1.94 (+0.01)          The Phoenician Scheme (TPSCH) 10000 16.26 (+0.02)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 10000 104.51 (+8.09)          The Entertainment System Is Down (TESID) 150000 15.57 (+0.31)          Tornado (TRNDO) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          The Entertainment System Is Down (TESID) 50000 15.57 (+0.31)          Dangerous Animals (DANML) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Frozen III (FROZ3) 75000 284.55 (-0.91)          Swamp Thing (SWAMP) 50000 33.28 (-0.10)          Vicious (VICUS) 10000 13.47 (+0.06)          Blade (BLAD1) 1 59.90 (-1.83)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 150000 104.51 (+8.09)          Tangled (TANGL) 150000 119.60 (+1.25)          The King of Kings H$10 Put (KOKNG.PU) 10472 2.08 (-0.14)          Girls Trip 2 (GRLT2) 150000 14.00 (+1.95)          Girls Trip 2 (GRLT2) 150000 14.00 (+1.95)          The Chosen: Last Supper - Part 1 (TCS51) 150000 19.44 (+1.76)          Death Of A Unicorn (DUNIC) 150000 17.93 (-1.05)          Heart of the Beast (HOTBS) 150000 36.38 (+0.85)          The Bookie & the Bruiser (TBATB) 150000 13.08 (+0.91)          Good Luck, Have Fun, Don’t Die (GLHFD) 150000 12.55 (-0.03)          Good Luck, Have Fun, Don’t Die (GLHFD) 85000 12.55 (-0.03)          A Minecraft Movie (MINEC) 150000 163.50 (+3.64)          The Lord of the Rings: The Hunt (LOTR5) 38000 140.97 (+0.30)          The Legend of Ochi (LOCHI) 25000 16.99 (+0.09)          Tangled (TANGL) 50000 119.60 (+1.25)          Tornado (TRNDO) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 150000 104.51 (+8.09)          Dangerous Animals (DANML) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Tangled (TANGL) 50000 119.60 (+1.25)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 150000 104.51 (+8.09)          Avengers: Secret Wars (AVNG6) 169 451.76 (+2.14)          Avengers: Secret Wars (AVNG6) 1 451.76 (+2.14)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 100000 104.51 (+8.09)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 10134 104.51 (+8.09)          The Entertainment System Is Down (TESID) 100000 15.57 (+0.31)          Avengers: Doomsday (AVNG5) 150 519.18 (+2.50)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 95318 104.51 (+8.09)          The King of Kings (KOKNG) 25000 26.25 (-0.01)          Mickey 17 (MCKY7) 13383 44.00 (-0.28)          Avatar: Fire and Ash aka Avatar (AVAT3) 5000 453.50 (-0.23)          The Alto Knights (WISEG) 150000 6.93 (-0.51)          Ronan Boyle and the Bridge of Ri (RBOYL) 150000 17.41 (+0.07)          Disney's Snow White (SNWHT) 150000 146.99 (-2.08)          Helen & Teacher (HELNT) 45000 0.04 (-0.01)          The Chosen: Last Supper - Part 1 (TCS51) 149999 19.44 (+1.76)          Disney's Snow White (SNWHT) 150000 146.99 (-2.08)          Mickey 17 (MCKY7) 2915 44.00 (-0.28)          Friendship (FNSHP) 10000 9.54 (0.00)          Ronan Boyle and the Bridge of Ri (RBOYL) 150000 17.41 (+0.07)          In The Lost Lands (INTLL) 150000 1.94 (+0.01)          The Phoenician Scheme (TPSCH) 10000 16.26 (+0.02)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 10000 104.51 (+8.09)          The Entertainment System Is Down (TESID) 150000 15.57 (+0.31)          Tornado (TRNDO) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          The Entertainment System Is Down (TESID) 50000 15.57 (+0.31)          Dangerous Animals (DANML) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Frozen III (FROZ3) 75000 284.55 (-0.91)          Swamp Thing (SWAMP) 50000 33.28 (-0.10)          Vicious (VICUS) 10000 13.47 (+0.06)          Blade (BLAD1) 1 59.90 (-1.83)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 150000 104.51 (+8.09)          Tangled (TANGL) 150000 119.60 (+1.25)          The King of Kings H$10 Put (KOKNG.PU) 10472 2.08 (-0.14)          Girls Trip 2 (GRLT2) 150000 14.00 (+1.95)          Girls Trip 2 (GRLT2) 150000 14.00 (+1.95)          The Chosen: Last Supper - Part 1 (TCS51) 150000 19.44 (+1.76)          Death Of A Unicorn (DUNIC) 150000 17.93 (-1.05)          Heart of the Beast (HOTBS) 150000 36.38 (+0.85)          The Bookie & the Bruiser (TBATB) 150000 13.08 (+0.91)          Good Luck, Have Fun, Don’t Die (GLHFD) 150000 12.55 (-0.03)          Good Luck, Have Fun, Don’t Die (GLHFD) 85000 12.55 (-0.03)          A Minecraft Movie (MINEC) 150000 163.50 (+3.64)          The Lord of the Rings: The Hunt (LOTR5) 38000 140.97 (+0.30)          The Legend of Ochi (LOCHI) 25000 16.99 (+0.09)          Tangled (TANGL) 50000 119.60 (+1.25)          Tornado (TRNDO) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 150000 104.51 (+8.09)          Dangerous Animals (DANML) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Tangled (TANGL) 50000 119.60 (+1.25)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 150000 104.51 (+8.09)          Avengers: Secret Wars (AVNG6) 169 451.76 (+2.14)          Avengers: Secret Wars (AVNG6) 1 451.76 (+2.14)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 100000 104.51 (+8.09)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 10134 104.51 (+8.09)          The Entertainment System Is Down (TESID) 100000 15.57 (+0.31)          Avengers: Doomsday (AVNG5) 150 519.18 (+2.50)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 95318 104.51 (+8.09)          The King of Kings (KOKNG) 25000 26.25 (-0.01)          Mickey 17 (MCKY7) 13383 44.00 (-0.28)          Avatar: Fire and Ash aka Avatar (AVAT3) 5000 453.50 (-0.23)          The Alto Knights (WISEG) 150000 6.93 (-0.51)          Ronan Boyle and the Bridge of Ri (RBOYL) 150000 17.41 (+0.07)          Disney's Snow White (SNWHT) 150000 146.99 (-2.08)          Helen & Teacher (HELNT) 45000 0.04 (-0.01)          The Chosen: Last Supper - Part 1 (TCS51) 149999 19.44 (+1.76)          Disney's Snow White (SNWHT) 150000 146.99 (-2.08)          Mickey 17 (MCKY7) 2915 44.00 (-0.28)          Friendship (FNSHP) 10000 9.54 (0.00)          Ronan Boyle and the Bridge of Ri (RBOYL) 150000 17.41 (+0.07)          In The Lost Lands (INTLL) 150000 1.94 (+0.01)          The Phoenician Scheme (TPSCH) 10000 16.26 (+0.02)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 10000 104.51 (+8.09)          The Entertainment System Is Down (TESID) 150000 15.57 (+0.31)          Tornado (TRNDO) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          The Entertainment System Is Down (TESID) 50000 15.57 (+0.31)          Dangerous Animals (DANML) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Frozen III (FROZ3) 75000 284.55 (-0.91)          Swamp Thing (SWAMP) 50000 33.28 (-0.10)          Vicious (VICUS) 10000 13.47 (+0.06)          Blade (BLAD1) 1 59.90 (-1.83)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 150000 104.51 (+8.09)          Tangled (TANGL) 150000 119.60 (+1.25)          The King of Kings H$10 Put (KOKNG.PU) 10472 2.08 (-0.14)          Girls Trip 2 (GRLT2) 150000 14.00 (+1.95)          Girls Trip 2 (GRLT2) 150000 14.00 (+1.95)          The Chosen: Last Supper - Part 1 (TCS51) 150000 19.44 (+1.76)          Death Of A Unicorn (DUNIC) 150000 17.93 (-1.05)          Heart of the Beast (HOTBS) 150000 36.38 (+0.85)          The Bookie & the Bruiser (TBATB) 150000 13.08 (+0.91)          Good Luck, Have Fun, Don’t Die (GLHFD) 150000 12.55 (-0.03)          Good Luck, Have Fun, Don’t Die (GLHFD) 85000 12.55 (-0.03)          A Minecraft Movie (MINEC) 150000 163.50 (+3.64)          The Lord of the Rings: The Hunt (LOTR5) 38000 140.97 (+0.30)          The Legend of Ochi (LOCHI) 25000 16.99 (+0.09)          Tangled (TANGL) 50000 119.60 (+1.25)          Tornado (TRNDO) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 150000 104.51 (+8.09)          Dangerous Animals (DANML) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Tangled (TANGL) 50000 119.60 (+1.25)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 150000 104.51 (+8.09)          Avengers: Secret Wars (AVNG6) 169 451.76 (+2.14)          Avengers: Secret Wars (AVNG6) 1 451.76 (+2.14)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 100000 104.51 (+8.09)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 10134 104.51 (+8.09)          The Entertainment System Is Down (TESID) 100000 15.57 (+0.31)          Avengers: Doomsday (AVNG5) 150 519.18 (+2.50)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 95318 104.51 (+8.09)          The King of Kings (KOKNG) 25000 26.25 (-0.01)          Mickey 17 (MCKY7) 13383 44.00 (-0.28)          Avatar: Fire and Ash aka Avatar (AVAT3) 5000 453.50 (-0.23)          The Alto Knights (WISEG) 150000 6.93 (-0.51)          Ronan Boyle and the Bridge of Ri (RBOYL) 150000 17.41 (+0.07)          Disney's Snow White (SNWHT) 150000 146.99 (-2.08)          Helen & Teacher (HELNT) 45000 0.04 (-0.01)          The Chosen: Last Supper - Part 1 (TCS51) 149999 19.44 (+1.76)          Disney's Snow White (SNWHT) 150000 146.99 (-2.08)          Mickey 17 (MCKY7) 2915 44.00 (-0.28)          Friendship (FNSHP) 10000 9.54 (0.00)          Ronan Boyle and the Bridge of Ri (RBOYL) 150000 17.41 (+0.07)          In The Lost Lands (INTLL) 150000 1.94 (+0.01)          The Phoenician Scheme (TPSCH) 10000 16.26 (+0.02)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 10000 104.51 (+8.09)          The Entertainment System Is Down (TESID) 150000 15.57 (+0.31)          Tornado (TRNDO) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          The Entertainment System Is Down (TESID) 50000 15.57 (+0.31)          Dangerous Animals (DANML) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Frozen III (FROZ3) 75000 284.55 (-0.91)          Swamp Thing (SWAMP) 50000 33.28 (-0.10)          Vicious (VICUS) 10000 13.47 (+0.06)          Blade (BLAD1) 1 59.90 (-1.83)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 150000 104.51 (+8.09)          Tangled (TANGL) 150000 119.60 (+1.25)          The King of Kings H$10 Put (KOKNG.PU) 10472 2.08 (-0.14)          Girls Trip 2 (GRLT2) 150000 14.00 (+1.95)          Girls Trip 2 (GRLT2) 150000 14.00 (+1.95)          The Chosen: Last Supper - Part 1 (TCS51) 150000 19.44 (+1.76)