THR: Cover story with Taika, "stuck in the middle" of his Star Wars script trying to avoid it being too like the others May 31, 08:21
He claims to be relieved with the strike that he doesn't have to work on it, just wants to vacation with Rita Ora. {nm} May 31, 08:23
thinks he’ll be obsolete in a decade because nobody remembers who directed Casablanca (*fingers crossed*) May 31, 10:19
Out of curiosity, why would you want Taika's supposition that he'll be obsolete in short order to be true? {nm} May 31, 11:10
sitting through JoJo Rabbit? May 31, 11:16
there's nothing funny about chattel slavery in Django Unchained either but you don't disparage QTARA time and time and time again. May 31, 11:28