Projection will take place in 35mm, 70mm and digital. Mix of first-run films and repertory from the "caretakers" {nm} Feb 21, 15:56
Good for them; good for us. {nm} Feb 21, 16:17
make Nolan run the projection booth since he loves physical film so bad {nm} Feb 21, 16:47
if its mostly first run and they want to play arthouse, they need lots of small theaters to make first run work. {nm} Feb 21, 17:21
My guess is they'll have a 300+ house for 35mm & 70mm and then a bunch of 25-50 small houses Feb 21, 17:26
the Newer Beverly Cinema Feb 21, 16:45
(if both the Village and the Bruin are owned by Regency, why wasn't the Bruin part of the deal?) Feb 21, 16:52
I don't think they actually own any of them, they just lease them. Feb 21, 17:32
Group Photo of the new owners Feb 21, 17:34
It looks like it's photoshopped and most of them weren't actually there. {nm} Feb 21, 17:35