HSX Forum
I guess Theaters should we worried about Hollywood
May 25, 09:56
Exactly. No strikes and FALGY opened in the spring, DEAD3 breaks record first weekend of May and APES4 makes $65M over this weekend.
May 25, 10:04
You think DEAD3 OW is going to top AVNGR OW?
May 25, 10:20
No, record for R-rated opening weekend.
May 25, 10:21
The narrative for the summer completely changes.
May 25, 10:23
You said “breaks record first weekend in May” so I read that as “breaks record *for* first weekend in May”. lol
May 25, 13:47
studios could have made a deal on day one. they chose to prolong the strike to break the unions. also, they chose to collapse the window
wow platinum
May 25, 10:18
The numbers are not good. Two things: not nearly enough product in the theaters. Make movies people want to see. They will come.
May 26, 00:28
Let's see how Deadpool does. How Despicable Me does. How In n Out does. Are those movies people want to see.
May 26, 00:29