HSX Forum


aka the usual Pixar sequel performance before the Two Bobs happened {nm}

Posted by: wow platinum (a.k.a mickpix) on Jun 14, 09:46 in response to JayPrimetown's post Huge number. Top 10 All Time for an animated film. $400...

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Danielle Brooks (DBROO) 25000 79.02 (0.00)          Mickey 17 aka Mickey7 (MCKY7) 25000 86.46 (-0.04)          Cate Blanchett (CBLAN) 25000 8.66 (-16.63)          Ariana DeBose (ADEBO) 25000 27.90 (+1.03)          Miranda Otto (MOTTO) 24999 13.24 (0.00)          Fred Hechinger (FHECH) 25000 42.83 (+4.72)          Cate Blanchett (CBLAN) 25000 8.66 (-16.63)          28 Years Later: The Bone Temple (28LT4) 150000 75.28 (+0.16)          28 Years Later: The Bone Temple (28LT4) 150000 75.28 (+0.16)          Miranda Otto (MOTTO) 25000 13.24 (0.00)          Lewis Pullman (LPULL) 25000 53.70 (-1.30)          Lewis Pullman (LPULL) 25000 53.70 (-1.30)          Brian Cox (BCOX) 25000 9.17 (-3.12)          Cate Blanchett (CBLAN) 25000 8.66 (-16.63)          Brian Cox (BCOX) 25000 9.17 (-3.12)          Cate Blanchett (CBLAN) 25000 8.66 (-16.63)          John Malkovich (JMALK) 24999 19.77 (-4.72)          Dev Patel (DPATE) 25000 12.52 (-0.20)          Opus (OPUS) 150000 16.36 (+1.27)          Mickey 17 aka Mickey7 (MCKY7) 29000 86.46 (-0.04)          Alex Wolff (AWOLF) 25000 88.07 (-0.03)          Alex Wolff (AWOLF) 25000 88.07 (-0.03)          Jackie Chan (JCHAN) 25000 23.99 (-0.07)          David Ayer (DAYER) 25000 85.39 (0.00)          Haley Bennett (HBENN) 25000 6.53 (+0.05)          Russell Crowe (RCROW) 25000 60.51 (+0.22)          Russell Crowe (RCROW) 25000 60.51 (+0.22)          Idris Elba (IELBA) 24999 95.14 (+0.99)          Mickey 17 aka Mickey7 (MCKY7) 14000 86.46 (-0.04)          Brian Cox (BCOX) 25000 9.17 (-3.12)          Lewis Pullman (LPULL) 25000 53.70 (-1.30)          Lewis Pullman (LPULL) 25000 53.70 (-1.30)          Alicia Vikander (AVIKA) 25000 3.80 (-4.22)          Wildwood (WILDW) 2135 6.50 (+0.01)          Alex Wolff (AWOLF) 25000 88.07 (-0.03)          Alex Wolff (AWOLF) 25000 88.07 (-0.03)          Jackie Chan (JCHAN) 25000 23.99 (-0.07)          Wicked: For Good (WCKD2) 52832 296.08 (+0.25)          Jackie Chan (JCHAN) 25000 23.99 (-0.07)          Lurker (LURKR) 149999 2.00 (0.00)          Alicia Vikander (AVIKA) 25000 3.80 (-4.22)          Alicia Vikander (AVIKA) 20000 3.80 (-4.22)          Grendel (GREND) 149999 22.49 (+1.76)          The Damned (DAMND) 149999 2.48 (+0.16)          John Malkovich (JMALK) 25000 19.77 (-4.72)          Together (TGETR) 14999 4.71 (-1.23)          The Rivals Of Amziah King (TROAK) 149995 4.88 (+0.13)          Flight Risk (FLTRS) 149999 28.96 (-0.42)          Alessandro Nivola (ANIVO) 25000 9.95 (+1.79)          The Dog Stars (DOGST) 149999 53.16 (+1.83)