HSX Forum


Actors are also doing it to keep their jobs.

Posted by: Antibody on Sep 05, 11:21 in response to terraformingearth's post I sure don't care if actors take steroids to beef up. The...

W: most actors who get that buff that fast actually are taking steroids, including Testosterone, Growth Hormone and DHT derivativest Antibody Sep 05, 10:46

I sure don't care if actors take steroids to beef up. The only reason I care for sports is because if you allow it, it then becomes required terraformingearth Sep 05, 11:06

You might not care if it isn't about competition in sport, but the principle re anyone being obliged to take steroids etc is still dreadful! {nm} ladybegood Sep 05, 11:19

Actors are also doing it to keep their jobs. Antibody Sep 05, 11:21

But to be an actor, one is never obliged to take steroids. If, say, baseball allowed it, everyone from high school on up would be at a very terraformingearth Sep 05, 11:33

SSTAL felt obligated to roid up for Rambo, FGRIL also to keep getting roles. Antibody Sep 05, 11:43

So 2 people "felt" obligated? What % of actors is that? I'm not in favor, but its not comparable to professional sports. {nm} terraformingearth Sep 05, 12:33

The % of baseball players that used during the steroid era were a small fraction of the whole league. Antibody Sep 05, 12:47

Were they? And if so, because it was forbidden. It is not forbidden for actors, the overwhelming majority have not even a perceived need for {nm} terraformingearth Sep 05, 12:58

Steroids are illlegal for performance whether it's sports or acting. You need a medical prescription. Antibody Sep 05, 13:05

The issue with sports is not whether the player has a prescription, it is the agreement between the League and the player's. Many did get terraformingearth Sep 05, 13:25

Why don't actors admit they're taking steroids? Because they are not suffering from any medical conditions that requires a prescription. {nm} Antibody Sep 05, 16:14

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doping_in_baseball#:~:text=Jose%20Canseco%20stated%20on%2060,MVP%20award%20while%20on%20steroids. terraformingearth Sep 05, 13:03

Doping by actors would inspire as many if not more gen public to dope viz sportspersons. Its as important an issue for society. Tallwonder Sep 05, 11:23

i mean . . . duh wow platinum Sep 05, 11:37

Yeah it duh but it's still unfortunate {nm} Moviesnob Sep 05, 11:49

I would bet serious money Jackan had tons of cgi help on this latest one. Back in 2014 no, but vfx is so much better now and he's much older MattW Sep 05, 17:25

+1 the shirtless scene did look kind of CG to me {nm} RamsFan2004 Sep 05, 17:51

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