HSX Forum


Netflix offer was more than $150 million

Posted by: Peterlee (a.k.a Peterlee (from past)) on Oct 28, 15:55 in response to Peterlee's post Puck: WB offered low $80 million range (plus back end) to...

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Splitsville (SPTSV) 150000 5.32 (+0.70)          The Housekeeper (HSKPR) 1 7.80 (-0.46)          The Housekeeper (HSKPR) 75000 7.80 (-0.46)          Rule Breakers (RULBR) 1 6.24 (+0.29)          Rule Breakers (RULBR) 75000 6.24 (+0.29)          Better Man (BETRM) 150000 22.60 (+0.08)          Red One (REDON) 3000 85.07 (+1.49)          Wuthering Heights (WUTHR) 30000 41.05 (+1.05)          The Governesses (GVRNS) 150000 0.12 (+0.02)          Wuthering Heights (WUTHR) 25000 41.05 (+1.05)          Wuthering Heights (WUTHR) 100000 41.05 (+1.05)          The Saint (TSAIN) 150000 15.97 (+0.85)          Wuthering Heights (WUTHR) 50000 41.05 (+1.05)          Gundam (GUNDM) 150000 14.75 (-0.42)          The Man with the Bag (TMWTB) 75000 26.54 (-0.03)          Splitsville (SPTSV) 145000 5.32 (+0.70)          Red One (REDON) 50000 85.07 (+1.49)          Red One (REDON) 50000 85.07 (+1.49)          Red One (REDON) 50000 85.07 (+1.49)          Red One (REDON) 50000 85.07 (+1.49)          Red One (REDON) 50000 85.07 (+1.49)          Sacrifice (SCRIF) 69999 21.56 (-0.04)          Red One (REDON) 50000 85.07 (+1.49)          Daisy Ridley (DRIDL) 24000 43.66 (+0.15)          Wuthering Heights (WUTHR) 1000 41.05 (+1.05)          Daisy Ridley (DRIDL) 1000 43.66 (+0.15)          Red One (REDON) 50000 85.07 (+1.49)          Wuthering Heights (WUTHR) 150000 41.05 (+1.05)          Lucy Boynton (LBOYN) 5000 71.47 (+0.05)          Kaitlyn Dever (KDEVE) 25000 19.16 (+0.10)          Ralph Fiennes (RFIEN) 25000 33.66 (+0.12)          Green Hornet and Kato (GHKTO) 150000 12.94 (+0.06)          2073 (2073) 150000 1.39 (0.00)          Dirty Angels (DRTYA) 150000 2.70 (0.00)          Lake George (LAKEG) 150000 0.42 (0.00)          Striking Rescue (STRSC) 150000 1.31 (0.00)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 149999 116.58 (-0.44)          Rule Breakers (RULBR) 149999 6.24 (+0.29)          Rule Breakers (RULBR) 150000 6.24 (+0.29)          Red One (REDON) 1 85.07 (+1.49)          Red One (REDON) 150000 85.07 (+1.49)          Blood on Snow (BLOSN) 888 24.82 (+0.55)