HSX Forum


The Fund is offended by this article. Nepo Babies can do no wrong. {nm}

Posted by: Family Business Fund (a.k.a NepotismFund) on Dec 20, 07:29 in response to Antibody's post Dayam V, How Nepo Baby Directors Made Some of the Biggest...

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Running Man (TRUNM) 5000 82.84 (+0.70)          Mads Mikkelsen (MMIKK) 25000 84.17 (+1.25)          Lurker (LURKR) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Mads Mikkelsen (MMIKK) 25000 84.17 (+1.25)          Love Me (LOVME) 10000 4.98 (+0.40)          Bugonia aka Save the Green Plane (STGPL) 10000 19.08 (0.00)          Scoot McNairy (SMCNA) 12301 45.55 (-0.71)          Cate Blanchett (CBLAN) 25000 8.66 (-16.63)          Anika Noni Rose (ANROS) 25000 82.07 (+0.50)          F1 aka Untitled Formula One (FORM1) 5000 78.73 (+0.25)          Cate Blanchett (CBLAN) 25000 8.66 (-16.63)          Cate Blanchett (CBLAN) 25000 8.66 (-16.63)          Russell Crowe (RCROW) 25000 60.51 (+0.22)          They Follow aka It Follows 2 (TFLW2) 10000 10.37 (0.00)          Miranda Otto (MOTTO) 25000 13.24 (0.00)          Lewis Pullman (LPULL) 25000 53.70 (-1.30)          Lewis Pullman (LPULL) 25000 53.70 (-1.30)          Russell Crowe (RCROW) 25000 60.51 (+0.22)          John Malkovich (JMALK) 25000 19.77 (-4.72)          Dust Bunny (DUSTB) 10000 3.85 (-0.02)          Wolf Man (TWLFM) 150000 42.80 (-0.53)          Miranda Otto (MOTTO) 25000 13.24 (0.00)          Wolf Man (TWLFM) 150000 42.80 (-0.53)          Lewis Pullman (LPULL) 25000 53.70 (-1.30)          The Bride! (BRIDE) 1000 69.86 (0.00)          Lewis Pullman (LPULL) 25000 53.70 (-1.30)          Companion (CMPAN) 1000 24.82 (-2.54)          Jackie Chan (JCHAN) 25000 23.99 (-0.07)          J.C. Chandor (JCCHA) 25000 10.26 (+0.55)          Brian Cox (BCOX) 25000 9.17 (-3.12)          Barry Jenkins (BJENK) 25000 47.75 (+1.10)          Brian Cox (BCOX) 25000 9.17 (-3.12)          Halle Bailey (HBAIL) 25000 103.54 (+1.46)          Barry Jenkins (BJENK) 25000 47.75 (+1.10)          Opus (OPUS) 150000 16.25 (+1.16)          Opus (OPUS) 150000 16.25 (+1.16)          Barry Jenkins (BJENK) 25000 47.75 (+1.10)          Barry Jenkins (BJENK) 25000 47.75 (+1.10)          Fred Hechinger (FHECH) 25000 42.83 (+4.72)          Jackie Chan (JCHAN) 25000 23.99 (-0.07)          Cate Blanchett (CBLAN) 25000 8.66 (-16.63)          Jackie Chan (JCHAN) 25000 23.99 (-0.07)          Cate Blanchett (CBLAN) 25000 8.66 (-16.63)          The Matrix 5 (MTRX5) 3000 37.14 (+0.14)          Billy Eichner (BEICH) 25000 139.59 (+1.16)          Billy Eichner (BEICH) 25000 139.59 (+1.16)          Scoot McNairy (SMCNA) 25000 45.55 (-0.71)          J.C. Chandor (JCCHA) 25000 10.26 (+0.55)          Scoot McNairy (SMCNA) 25000 45.55 (-0.71)          Halle Bailey (HBAIL) 25000 103.54 (+1.46)