MTC: [OTHRG] - 37, [STUP3] - 16 Aug 03, 00:02
OTHRG is the same for both services.. STUP3 's numbers is higher for MTC .. both tagged on stock page now.. {nm} Aug 03, 00:12
It looks way better than SHMUC, so the predictions sounds about right to me. {nm} Aug 03, 04:48
both are too close for the "rule" to be in effect; it only works 90% of the time when the difference is bigger than 25% Aug 03, 09:43
didn't see xiayun's note yet - basically just reiterating. {nm} Aug 03, 10:55
I think OTHRG is going to beat 37. One of the most obvious longs this year. {nm} Aug 03, 15:57