RS: [THEAM] low 20s for six days (Weds-Sun), [GDIST] mid-to-high teens, [MCHTE] low double digits. Futures inside Aug 30, 10:28
you mean [NCDEV] {nm} Aug 30, 10:31
Yes, I'm trying to distance myself from the the NC part of it :) Aug 30, 10:56
American looks deadly dull to me and surprised to see that #. Is there any interest to see it from anyone here? {nm} Aug 30, 12:04
I'm seeing it but I'm extremely dubious considering how long before they waited to screen it. {nm} Aug 30, 12:38
Looks terrible. Trying to sell it as an action-thriller (when it's not) isn't going to help WOM either. {nm} Aug 30, 12:40