Low Budget SciFi Romance movie "Monsters" [MNSTS] to be the new "District 9 / Paranormal Activity - ish" revelation ! Oct 25, 19:48
Except that it's already on Video on Demand and probably won't go nearly as wide as either movie you cite. {nm} Oct 25, 19:50
and no offense to anyone here (associated w/ the film), but it was pretty horrible. {nm} Oct 25, 19:53
dont go expecting anything like Cloverfield or Jurassic Park. Its more Before Sunrise than a monster flick {nm} Oct 26, 07:08
Thanks {nm} Oct 26, 07:31
Who releases more movies: Magnolia or IFC? I know they both do the VOD thing. {nm} Oct 25, 21:56
They're about even over the last few years. Oct 26, 05:24
WTF? MNSTS was released in only 2 theaters? I guess they don't want to make back the money they put into it. {nm} Nov 01, 12:55