Black Swan--why the major spike downward in price? Nov 09, 07:08
Unfortunately, the market is back to being run by reset traders rather than common sense. Nov 09, 07:08
Where can I find info on what reset trading is or could someone explain? {nm} Nov 09, 07:14
Here is the Ampersand Link.. Quite a detail guide towards everything about HSX Nov 09, 07:25
Or perhaps he hasn't anything to do with reset trading, afterall. =_) {nm} Nov 09, 12:14
I'm still long, gonna wait it out. IMO, once and if it goes wide should gather momentum {nm} Nov 09, 07:30
It's about Ballet... that should account for part of the drop. Furthermore it has no real stars Nov 09, 07:49
um, portman played princess leia. V for Vendetta made 70M {nm} Nov 09, 09:01
Doesn't matter. Tobey Maguire was Spiderman, but he's not a box office guarantee in any other movie. {nm} Nov 09, 09:08
DARONs last movie had tons of critical hype (deserved IMO) and was about a far more "pop" subject than ballet Nov 09, 08:41
Yeah, but this is a thriller and has much more mainstream appeal (and equal amounts of buzz) than The Wrestler. {nm} Nov 09, 09:43
the succes of the Wrestler was due to the actor, not the director {nm} Nov 09, 10:25
You've actually seen it so I'll defer to you on it's mainstream appeal, for now. {nm} Nov 09, 11:24
maybe people think it won't make that kind of money ... Nov 09, 13:29