HSX Forum


I think Titanic is a great movie. I just disagree with the view that converting (or colorizing) great movies makes them worth re-viewing.

Posted by: lesana on Nov 13, 11:11 in response to lesana's post What the hell is the point of Titanic in 3D? This...

If it's just about making more money then OK, that's enough justification for anything in Hollwood (e.g. torture porn).

But artistically (Kate Winslet's magnificent breasts aside) what's the reason for it. It's like an admission that the films are not complete the way they are.

What the hell is the point of Titanic in 3D? This post-conversion fad is getting absurd... lesana Nov 13, 09:46

Agreed. Especially coming from the self-appointed arbiter of "proper" implementation of 3D. {nm} edzep Nov 13, 09:55

JCAME is taking 3 years to do the conversion, not 3 months like CLASH and othres. {nm} Antibody Nov 13, 10:48

He's criticized not just technique, but subject matter, as OP had criticized. {nm} edzep Nov 13, 11:06

Come on...Pay attention to the date....APRIL 14, 2012 just before midnight is the perfect time for the release... StarBond Fund Sweet 16 BUY BONDS Nov 13, 12:18

OH NO ! Friday the 13th.....No wonder it hits an iceberg. {nm} StarBond Fund Sweet 16 BUY BONDS Nov 13, 12:20

If you or anyone else on the planet can come close to better 3D implementation- do it, otherwise cut JCAME some slack and give him rope. ;) {nm} jgbaxter Nov 13, 10:49

Ooooo...the scene where the ship does the nose dive and all those people falling right at you...And more dance sequences fer Slumdoggie... {nm} Catzan Nov 13, 10:24

epic movies like Titanic get re-released for whatever reason possible. one of the most important of which is that they will sell again. Oleg Max Nov 13, 10:26

Young Kate Winslet's Magnificent Breasts in 3D! "Enough Said" {nm} Citizen Nov 13, 10:28

regarding your IM; the first 40 minutes and the last hour could bring something extra in 3D. The middle part is people talking, dancing, etc {nm} JMT Nov 13, 10:46

I think Titanic is a great movie. I just disagree with the view that converting (or colorizing) great movies makes them worth re-viewing. lesana Nov 13, 11:11

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