HSX Forum


I love it when a plan comes together. 3/3 And it was hard to go against all those longers and notfabio's middie report. =) {nm}

Posted by: Catzan on Aug 02, 12:41 in response to Antibody's post Official Adjust

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The Tree (TTREE) 10000 1.38 (-0.01)          Sovereign (SOVRN) 4000 3.40 (-0.01)          The Odyssey aka Untitled Christo (ODYSE) 25000 182.47 (+0.75)          The Hand That Rocks the Cradle (HTRTC) 1000 20.85 (-0.01)          The Freshening (FRSHN) 2000 7.24 (-0.01)          The Last Adventures Of Constance (CVERT) 150000 0.91 (-0.03)          Boner aka Rise (VIAGR) 3000 4.31 (-0.02)          The Joy Luck Club 2 (TJLC2) 2000 9.75 (-0.02)          The Giant's House (TGNTH) 3000 4.50 (-0.02)          Primate (PRIMT) 1000 14.09 (-0.02)          Panic Carefully (PNCRF) 1000 18.36 (-0.02)          Nuremberg (NUREM) 1000 11.44 (-0.02)          The Lost Boys (LOSTB) 5000 2.29 (-0.02)          The Gallerist (GALRS) 1000 15.75 (-0.02)          Bob the Builder (BOBTB) 1000 21.27 (-0.02)          A Life of Jesus (ALJES) 1000 14.05 (-0.02)          Power Rangers (PWRNG) 3000 4.97 (-0.03)          Jehanne d'Arc (JDARC) 1000 29.51 (-0.03)          Verity (VERTY) 1000 33.12 (-0.04)          Sunflower (SFLWR) 2000 8.68 (-0.04)          Americana aka National Anthem (NATHM) 100000 8.58 (+0.73)          Playdate (PLYDT) 2000 9.62 (-0.04)          Jane (JANE1) 1000 17.80 (-0.04)          Ella McCay (EMCAY) 1000 15.37 (-0.04)          Creed IV (CREE4) 1000 45.23 (-0.05)          Better Man (BETRM) 4000 3.49 (-0.05)          The Pinkerton (PNKRT) 1000 11.66 (-0.06)          Wake Up Dead Man: A Knives Out M (KNIV3) 150000 10.00 (0.00)          Wake Up Dead Man: A Knives Out M (KNIV3) 47479 10.00 (0.00)          Hourman (HRMAN) 1000 17.11 (-0.06)          Frankenstein (FRNST) 150000 1.99 (-0.01)          Home (HOME1) 1000 16.71 (-0.06)          Companion (CMPAN) 16478 24.84 (-0.96)          Gravity Rush (GRVTR) 1000 14.62 (-0.06)          Wake Up Dead Man: A Knives Out M (KNIV3) 150000 10.00 (0.00)          Ghost of Tsushima (GOTSU) 1000 16.80 (-0.06)          Dracula - A Love Tale (DRALT) 1000 10.30 (-0.06)          One Punch Man (1PMAN) 1000 14.73 (-0.08)          Americana aka National Anthem (NATHM) 10 8.58 (+0.73)          Spider-Woman (SPDWM) 1000 27.82 (-0.10)          The Authority (AUTHO) 1000 30.72 (-0.10)          Americana aka National Anthem (NATHM) 25000 8.58 (+0.73)          Americana aka National Anthem (NATHM) 150000 8.58 (+0.73)          Americana aka National Anthem (NATHM) 150000 8.58 (+0.73)          Wake Up Dead Man: A Knives Out M (KNIV3) 150000 10.00 (0.00)          The Batman: Part II (TBAT2) 5000 261.93 (-0.99)          Wake Up Dead Man: A Knives Out M (KNIV3) 150000 10.00 (0.00)          The Lord of the Rings: The Hunt (LOTR5) 150000 168.09 (+0.81)          The Lord of the Rings: The Hunt (LOTR5) 150000 168.09 (+0.81)          Wife & Dog (WIFDG) 150000 14.73 (+0.15)