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They had 17 million dollars and minimal locations

Posted by: sonic_death_monkey (a.k.a tawdryhepburn) on Dec 24, 11:04 in response to second gary's post How much more expensive is it to shoot in 35mm?

(though they did make good use of their clearly limited time in major NYC landmarks). They didn't shoot 16 because they couldn't afford 35. That's ridiculous. The man is one of the preeminent film artists of our time and he was working on the most easily marketable film of his career starring an actual STAR, a well respected character actor, and an up and coming actress. It had sex appeal and a genre hook. He could have gotten the money to shoot 35.

He CHOSE to shoot 16 because the smaller cameras were more mobile and easier for the complex, non-steady cam, handheld camera movements. Plus, the grainy quality of the image alludes to the horror films of the 70s that at least partially inspired Black Swan.

Question regarding Black Swan: Why did Aronofsky shoot in 16mm instead of 35mm? HarryWarden Dec 24, 09:11

How much more expensive is it to shoot in 35mm? {nm} second gary Dec 24, 09:19

For the average Joe buying it, stock is about double, processing about the same. I dunno how many 100s of feet he shot. {nm} dsbman Dec 24, 09:48

They had 17 million dollars and minimal locations sonic_death_monkey Dec 24, 11:04

I think all he was saying is it made it more possible to get it made, as Aronofsky ha been quoted as saying they could barely get 1/2 the {nm} dsbman Dec 24, 11:19

budget they wanted and funding kept collapsing for a year. Final sequence was shot in 2 days! {nm} dsbman Dec 24, 11:20

Yes, that's where my question was coming from. second gary Dec 25, 06:59

Probably wanted a specific look... I have to admit that it's only noticeable in a few sections. {nm} secretstalker Dec 24, 09:21

I'd assume both budget and look. Also he shot the subway sequences on a virtually consumer grade DSLR so it was probably easier to make that dsbman Dec 24, 09:47

I think in some parts, he was trying to recreate the look of The Wrestler to create more realism but it isn't all 16mm {nm} secretstalker Dec 24, 09:49

I didn't know he shot any on 35? {nm} dsbman Dec 24, 09:51

He shot The Wrestler on 16 too. Makes it grittier--gives it that documentary feel, IMO. {nm} dsbman Dec 24, 09:50

I'm sure the look was the main reason, but also it's a much smaller camera allowing for freedom of movement. {nm} TheHat Dec 24, 10:13

I think it's what The Hat said, it's about manouevrability. Cheaper helps. Subway sequences shot in DSLR to avoid permits {nm} numbersix_99 Dec 24, 10:53

What's the size difference between a 16mm camera and a 35mm one? HarryWarden Dec 24, 14:27

It's not just size, it's weight. sonic_death_monkey Dec 24, 14:53

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