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Box Office Mojo January Preview
Posted by: the_steveinator on Jan 02, 13:33
Notable predictions include big returns for No Strings Attached, The Dilemma, strong numbers for Country Strong when it expands in January, weak openings for the Mechanic and the Rite, and up in the air on the Green Hornet.
Box Office Mojo January Preview the_steveinator Jan 02, 13:33
so HRTSP is actually wide? {nm} adn21 Jan 02, 13:43
Yes, and with no promotion, it probably will have a PSA under 1k. {nm} secretstalker Jan 02, 13:45
if it makes under 1k (lets say $950 * 650 (hsx wide)= 617k * 2.7= Oleg Max Jan 02, 13:57
per screen average? {nm} b4bad Jan 02, 13:57
yes, you got it! {nm} Oleg Max Jan 02, 13:59
whats PSA? sorry for the noobness... {nm} b4bad Jan 02, 13:57
PSA=Per Screen Average. [nm] prahainsider Jan 03, 21:09
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