The Beekeeper 2 .Jason Statham returns as The Beekeeper who's also an assassin. Timo Tjahjanto directs from a script by Kurt Wimmer.
Screamboat Screamboat reimagines the 1928 animated short "Steamboat Willie" by Walt Disney as a horror film. A killer stalks...
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PSA=Per Screen Average. [nm]
Posted by: prahainsider on Jan 03, 21:09 in response to b4bad's post whats PSA? sorry for the noobness...
Box Office Mojo January Preview the_steveinator Jan 02, 13:33
so HRTSP is actually wide? {nm} adn21 Jan 02, 13:43
Yes, and with no promotion, it probably will have a PSA under 1k. {nm} secretstalker Jan 02, 13:45
if it makes under 1k (lets say $950 * 650 (hsx wide)= 617k * 2.7= Oleg Max Jan 02, 13:57
per screen average? {nm} b4bad Jan 02, 13:57
yes, you got it! {nm} Oleg Max Jan 02, 13:59
whats PSA? sorry for the noobness... {nm} b4bad Jan 02, 13:57
PSA=Per Screen Average. [nm] prahainsider Jan 03, 21:09
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