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RS: [GHRNT] high 30s, [DILEM] mid-20s (both 4 day)... also [HRTSP] less than a million
Posted by: secretstalker (a.k.a TheWeekendWarrior) on Jan 09, 12:26
Will post the futures later on
RS: [GHRNT] high 30s, [DILEM] mid-20s (both 4 day)... also [HRTSP] less than a million secretstalker Jan 09, 12:26
Awesome for The Green Hornet. Was starting to expect a drop for The Dilemma. {nm} Jay_Beezy Jan 09, 12:39
I really think people are gonna be surprised by the movie and word-of-mouth will help it beat NSATA on the 21st. {nm} secretstalker Jan 09, 12:41
You said you saw another January release last month that was 'eh' or 'meh' or whatever. What was it? {nm} Jay_Beezy Jan 09, 12:49
Season of the Witch. {nm} secretstalker Jan 09, 13:04
Ah. At first I thought you were talking about The Dilemma because I read another screening report that had that opinion about it. {nm} Jay_Beezy Jan 09, 15:03
james and vaugn just opened fox's nfl game. kinda dumb, but james got a good line in about phily fans "they can burp you out of the stadium" {nm} islander Jan 09, 13:03
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