geez ive been away too long, When & WHY did the opening weekend Halt get moved from friday 10am to sat 6pm?? {nm} Jan 15, 12:29
HSX is trying everything possible to make the game less fun. Jan 15, 12:37
That's putting it mildly. {nm} Jan 15, 14:18
I don't see the point of it. There's even less activity/discussions on the boards on Saturday than there was before. Jan 15, 14:18
Probably half of my board activity in the past was opener related, now I don't post about them at all because I don't care. Jan 15, 15:06
Agreed. No more gutchecks. {nm} Jan 15, 16:26
There wouldn't be gutchecks on Saturday anyway, but if they're hoping for more trading activity, it backfired. {nm} Jan 15, 17:01
i like it, you're basically playing openers a couple weeks before release, then you either win or lose horribly {nm} Jan 15, 13:06
if you were away too much longer... you would have experienced the other game change! {nm} Jan 15, 13:21
They seem to have a need to make this game more like the real stock markcet. It may be that they think it will make their data Jan 15, 19:05
Since when have real stocks been accurate indicators of a company's worth? {nm} Jan 15, 19:41
And you don't get ****ed with reset trading like you do here. {nm} Jan 16, 17:37