Congrats Roger More and [CAINE] for reaching H$100! {nm} Jan 26, 11:25
Congrats! {nm} Jan 26, 11:41
You beat me to the punc OlegMax....Nice job may now take a deep cleansng breath. Jan 26, 12:23
I hope so, but I am not holding my breath... Jan 26, 13:45
There are a few more delists coming up - IN3D and ADJUS come to mind {nm} Jan 26, 13:53
Roger....MCAIN gets an automatic lifetime pass into MCAIN....otherwise he would sue to get his name back {nm} Jan 26, 19:41
Congrats to nr. III. Bring on IV {nm} Jan 26, 14:21
Congratulations!... and thanks! (nm) Jan 26, 17:29