NYV: WB offers Guy Ritchie to direct [XERXE].... because "[SUCKP] tested poorly. “It was bad; like, really bad." Feb 15, 15:47
The article also speculates another theory is that they want him to focus on Superman... {nm} Feb 15, 16:09
Yup, I buy that theory more. Meant to include that in my post...trigger finger too quick. :) {nm} Feb 15, 16:13
WB could still wait a year for XERXE. What's the rush? {nm} Feb 15, 16:38
Well, they could always just not make XERXE or wait and see if the comic does well enough to warrant a movie. {nm} Feb 15, 21:12
Maybe they're already invested in SUPR2, pulling him off would be bad press. {nm} Feb 15, 16:13
This way, they could say he's too busy with SUPR2 to do XERXE. {nm} Feb 15, 16:14
I would guess that WB also doesn't want to ruffle CNOLA's feathers since he basically picked Snyder to do SUPR2 {nm} Feb 15, 17:12
I thought the SUCKP teaser was terrific, and the trailer attached to GHRNT really awful. Feb 15, 19:19
in Hollywood Rulebook : One movie maketh a man , but one movie doesnt break a man {nm} Feb 15, 16:46
WATCH and GHOOL also underperformed. {nm} Feb 15, 16:53
GHOOL was actually a decent film, but I thought it was marketed badly. Snyder is a decent director. {nm} Feb 15, 19:40