A last bit of pre-Oscars trivia: Not an Oscar Winner (Pick one out of 4 Oscar nominees in a certain category that didn't win) Feb 26, 07:18
19/25 {nm} Feb 26, 09:22
20/25 Feb 26, 12:19
7/25 and half of those were guesses. What an amazing performance. [nm] Feb 26, 12:31
18 for 25. the last five questions are pretty tough. {nm} Feb 26, 13:25
21/25 {nm} Feb 26, 14:06
17/25 {nm} Feb 26, 16:58
20/25 {nm} Feb 26, 17:24
24/25 got tripped up on the FX question, d'oh! {nm} Feb 26, 18:53