DL: "It's A Top 5 Horse Race!" Limitless, Lincoln Lawyer, and Paul all around 5.2 to 5.3M for Friday, 13-15M weekend Mar 18, 19:31
ok everyone on the East Coast can go to bed at their normal time. 13-15 means 35.1 - 40.5 adjust which is pretty close to Mar 18, 19:35
She updated Limitless to $6.5m and No. 1 on Friday Mar 18, 21:02
Yeah I shouldve known better than to put her first #'s in the subject line. Also, potentially bad drop for batla {nm} Mar 18, 21:13
Also Paul is likely to the most frontloaded of the three {nm} Mar 18, 21:14
(17M being xiayun's predicton for it's opening weekend gross - but seems estimates so far say 15M weekend or so(?)) {nm} Mar 18, 23:53
a $6-6.5m Friday, which is Nikki's latest range, should yield close to a $17m weekend {nm} Mar 19, 00:01
Again, congrats - and thanks for an excellent service, as it were! {nm} Mar 19, 00:07
Thank God Nikki didn't report on the Japan earthquake.... {nm} Mar 18, 21:52