[MGPRC] Possible Release 1-06-2012 Apr 04, 15:18
Additional Source Apr 04, 15:21
That looks like a UK date. What's your fascination with this movie? Apr 04, 15:23
He's a preacher... and he carries a machine gun... what's not to like? :) {nm} Apr 04, 15:28
Can't wait to see the Antibody Movie? Apr 04, 17:15
Since we're bringing up movies opening in other countries... Apr 04, 15:42
It's a mockumentary, isn't it? And filmed with handheld camera, in the style of Cloverfield and Super 8 etc. Apr 04, 16:35
It looks awesome. I usually don't like the handheld dizzy style but the production value looks pretty decent {nm} Apr 04, 18:06
Lionsgate Publicity says Fall 2011. Apr 04, 15:46
This is a good film, actually (Slight spoilers inside) Apr 04, 18:20