Going by the prices, I thought that maybe MTC had been posted already... guess not. Here ya go Apr 11, 13:26
So glad I just got back... {nm} Apr 11, 13:36
wow 27 for Scream4. dang {nm} Apr 11, 13:58
drat, so going by the rule, Scream is gonna do way less than high 40's? Damn that sucks {nm} Apr 11, 13:57
Definitely. Maybe 30. {nm} Apr 11, 14:07
what do you mean down year? Apr 11, 14:48
So far 2011YTD is behind 2010 and 2009 Apr 11, 15:08
but the expectation is that its going to be a huge summer. No one is calling it a down year yet {nm} Apr 11, 16:00
its a valid point, but i'm not ready to write the year off yet. Its like calling a baseball game after the 3rd inning {nm} Apr 11, 16:19
THOR isn't going to open as high as Iron Man 2 last year so the first weekend in May is likely going to be down too {nm} Apr 11, 16:27
so what does 'the rule' say about RIO? That it'll do higher than MTC? {nm} Apr 11, 15:02
Depends. For the rule to apply, difference between RS and MTC should be significant. Is it significant here? Ca 35 vs 40. Apr 11, 15:32
Guess people finally realized that Craven hasn't made a good film in years and this looks like a rehash of the other 3 {nm} Apr 11, 14:59
And based on the BBFC classification, it doesn't deliver what every good slasher movie needs {nm} Apr 11, 15:03
What does every good slasher movie need? {nm} Apr 11, 17:16
Boobs and blood {nm} Apr 11, 18:23
Hah, my gut about Scream 4 may be right! {nm} Apr 11, 15:26
tagging [RIO] [SCRM4] [CNSPR] {nm} Apr 13, 00:27