Post Adjust Bond Show (4/26/11) - The HSX Dude Apr 26, 11:06
Thanks, and welcome back. Also, I have YURHI as NPORT's next adjust. {nm} Apr 26, 12:58
Yes, YURHI next and dropping NYILU {nm} Apr 26, 13:41
btw just noticed....congrats Roger on passing zeit into the top 10 {nm} Apr 30, 08:00
Thanks! {nm} Apr 26, 15:09
glad to see this back this week. thanks! {nm} Apr 26, 16:33
this is great news thanks Dude! {nm} Apr 26, 17:54
I think HOP will make at least 15 mil more so that will cover any potential loss if Orange adjusts 1st Apr 27, 00:01
Dunno about that... HOP seems like history now that Easter is done. I'd expect a massive drop. {nm} Apr 27, 03:15