DAYDN 05/06/11 07/26/11 AMACD, JLUCA, KDENN, RBLAN
LSNIT 05/06/11 07/26/11 EMEND, GCANE, KKNIG, SWORT
NVSGN 05/06/11 07/26/11 CMESS, JKSIM, JALBA
PSNPL 05/06/11 07/26/11 BMURR, MEFOX, MROUR, RIFAN
TPVGL 05/06/11 07/26/11 No Attached StarBonds
TWIAM 04/29/11 07/19/11 EHARR
BANGB 04/22/11 07/12/11 MAKER, RPHIL, TKITS
CATRN 04/01/11 06/21/11 JMCTE, PVEGA 30K Non-ERC Box
WHIRS 03/25/11 06/14/11 SLANG
3BYRD 03/11/11 05/31/11 EKOTE
DRLEM 03/04/11 05/24/11 MLEO
Fine print: All references to detachments are "POTENTIAL" based upon the assumption that movies on the zBO list will stay on the zBO list
From time to time, zBO movies report later than the first week.
Remember, if there are no ERC box office receipts, the StarBonds are detached and the
MovieStock delists at .01
If there is Non-ERC box office reported, the MovieStock will delist based on that amount,
but no Starbond adjusts.
Checked for releases through 04/29/11 on 05/04/11
Next adjusts for Starbonds attached to Zero Box Movies:
MLEO 7DUTO 10/31/11
SLANG CONAN 09/12/11
MAKER HTYMP; then ELUXX; WLUST 10/31/11 replaces BANGB
TKITS OMARS 04/02/12
EHARR SLVBL 10/03/11
AMACD 5THQU 6/13/11 Before DAYDN
JLUCA None with release dates
KDENN THOR then none with release date
EMEND None with release dates
GCANE None with release dates
KKNIG None with release dates
SWORT TDEBT 09/24/11 if wide; 11/19/11 if limited
CMESS MNGMY 05/30/11 before NVSGN
JKSIM MUSNS 06/06/11
JALBA SPYK4 09/12/11
BMURR None with release dates
MEFOX UJAPA 06/25/12
MROUR IMRTL 12/05/11
RIFAN ANONM 10/24/11