No matter what [IMCKE]'s next movie makes, he will adjust down (Math Included) Aug 20, 20:52
technically you may be right, but thats a lot of money to tie up in a stock that may not adjust for like 2 1/2 years Aug 20, 20:59
It's very long term with poor dROI, and what happens if something else is releaded before 2½ years, it could adjust up. {nm} Aug 20, 23:55
*released {nm} Aug 20, 23:56
or worse, what if the guy 'delist's suddenly in the meantime {nm} Aug 21, 10:45
heh Do you mean that in a Pulp Fiction kind of way? "JULES: Take care of her? || VINCENT: Not that! Take her out..." :) {nm} Aug 21, 11:24